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Full Version: H20 OpenCL GPU Accelerated FLIP Sims?
Root » Houdini Lounge » H20 OpenCL GPU Accelerated FLIP Sims?
I'm not familiar with the new opencl features other than what was in the H20 presentation, but I've recently been using the FLIP sop workflow a bunch and I'm wondering if anyone has found cool hacks to offload some or all of the sim work to the GPU assuming sufficient GPU ram to fit the sim.

I realize this is probably something that would take specific sidefx development to intentionally implement, but I just wonder if any parts can be done now.
Apart from the PBD fluids of Vellum Fluids, there is no full scale GPU fluids in Houdini. With the significant OpenCL additions to H20, you can do this yourself but it will still be a lot of work, and performance will not necessarily be faster.
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