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Full Version: Graphics card issue with Houdini 20 and terrain, heightfield
Root » Houdini Lounge » Graphics card issue with Houdini 20 and terrain, heightfield
I am using a Nvidia Quadro K6000, I cannot run heightfields and heightfield_noises with Houdini 20. So I am using Houdini 19.5???
Graphics card problems disappeared with version 20: no explanation. I changed nothing on my computer or settings.
It is very unstable, I cannot see my heightfield anymore, I can just work with the mesh version I did from it. I used vdb to do mask. Could it be a reason for it? Except when doing flow, Heightfield are float arrays.
Which OS are you using? Are your drivers up to date? If you are using Linux, make sure that you're using the proprietary Nvidia drivers and not the Nouveau drivers.

Is this a common issue? I can't find anything other than this thread on the subject.

I'm using an RTX 3090 with recommended drivers and all versions of H20 that I've tried have the same problem - heightfields are black and not useable - they compute fine in that if I convert to mesh I get what I'd expect but I can't see what I'm doing in the viewport. H19.5 is fine.

Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for reading
Do you have Vulkan viewport turned on? I found highfields unusable with Vulkan

Thanks for replying. No Vulkan's not enabled. I'm really surprised noone else seems to have this problem..!
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