
Attribute Array

CreateArray Example for Attribute Array TOP node

This example demonstrates how to create an array attribute.

ModifyArray Example for Attribute Array TOP node

This example demonstrates how to modify or update an existing array attribute.

Attribute Copy

CopyAttributes Example for Attribute Copy TOP node

This example demonstrates how to copy attributes from one workitem to another.

Attribute Create

AttributeExpressions Example for Attribute Create TOP node

This example file demonstrates how to set and access work item attributes through parameter expressions.

CreateAttributes Example for Attribute Create TOP node

This example demonstrates how to create attributes on work items.

Attribute Delete

DeleteAttributes Example for Attribute Delete TOP node

This example demonstrates how to delete work item attributes.

DeletePattern Example for Attribute Delete TOP node

This example demonstrates how to delete work item attributes using the Attribute Pattern syntax.

Attribute from String

RegexPattern Example for Attribute from String TOP node

This example demonstrates how to create work item attributes using a regex pattern or delimiter.

SimplePattern Example for Attribute from String TOP node

This example demonstrates how to create work item attributes from string data using a simple pattern matching syntax.

Attribute Promote

AttributePromote Example for Attribute Promote TOP node

This example demonstrates some of the basic functionality of the Attribute Promote TOP node, such as converting intrinsic fields from input work items into attributes

Attribute Reduce

AttributeReduce Example for Attribute Reduce TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the Attribute Reduce node to refine the values in an work item array attribute

Attribute Rename

RenameAttributes Example for Attribute Rename TOP node

This example file demonstrates how to rename work item attributes.

CSV Input

ReadCSV Example for CSV Input TOP node

This example demonstrates how to read in data from CSV files. The CSV Input node will read CSV files and create 1 workitem per row.

CSV Output

WriteCSV Example for CSV Output TOP node

This example demonstrates how to create a csv file from pdg work item’s attributes.

Download File

DownloadFile Example for Download File TOP node

This example demonstrates how to download a file using the downloadfile node.

Environment Edit

EnvironmentEdit Example for Environment Edit TOP node

This example demonstrates how to modify the environment variables using the Environment Edit TOP. Envrionment variables are special attributes with the Export flag set on them, which makes them available in the environment of out-of-process work item jobs.


CreateError Example for Error TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the Error TOP node to create warnings or errors based on an expression.

Block Begin Feedback

FeedbackBegin Example for Block Begin Feedback TOP node

This example demonstrates how to create a feedback loop.

FeedbackModes Example for Block Begin Feedback TOP node

This example demonstrates the different ways upstream files are copied onto feedback begin loop iterations.

Block End Feedback

NestedLoop Example for Block End Feedback TOP node

This example demonstrates how to create a nested feedback loop.

FFmpeg Encode Video

example_top_ffmpegencodevideo Example for FFmpeg Encode Video TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use FFmpeg Encode Video node to encode a sequence of images into a video file.

FFmpeg Extract Images

example_top_ffmpegextractimages Example for FFmpeg Extract Images TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use FFmpeg Extract Images node to extract images from a video file.

File Compress

example_top_filecompress Example for File Compress TOP node

This example demonstrates how to compress files using TOPs / PDG.

input1 Example for File Compress TOP node

input2 Example for File Compress TOP node

File Copy

example_top_filecopy Example for File Copy TOP node

This example demonstrates how to copy files using TOPs / PDG.

input1 Example for File Copy TOP node

This is the first input for the PDG copyfile node test.

File Decompress

example_top_filedecompress Example for File Decompress TOP node

This example demonstrates how to decompress files using TOPs / PDG.

File Pattern

FindFiles Example for File Pattern TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use File Pattern to load files using a match expression.

File Range

FileRange Example for File Range TOP node

This example file demonstrates how the File Range TOP can be used to generate a list of work items from a sequence of files.

File Remove

example_top_fileremove Example for File Remove TOP node

This example demonstrates how to remove a file using the Remove File node.

File Rename

example_top_filerename Example for File Rename TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the File Rename node to rename a group of files.

Filter by Expression

FilterStringAttrib Example for Filter by Expression TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the strcmp HScript function along with the Filter by Expression TOP node.

FilterWorkItems Example for Filter by Expression TOP node

This example demonstrates how to filter upstream workitems so that the remaining set can be further processed or debugged.

Filter by Range

FilterByRange Example for Filter by Range TOP node

This example demonstrates how the Filter by Range node can be used to filter work items by frame or attribute ranges.

Filter by State

FilterByState Example for Filter by State TOP node

This example file demonstrates how the Filter by State node can be used to filter out failed work items.



This example demonstrates how to use the for loop with feedback construct in PDG/TOPs.

Generic Generator

GenericGenerator Example for Generic Generator TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use generic generators to both prototype setups and to run custom command line executables.

Geometry Import

GeometryImport Example for Geometry Import TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use geometry import to interact with SOP networks by creating a workitem per detail, primitive, point, or vertex.

PieceAttribute Example for Geometry Import TOP node

This example demonstrates how to import geometry using piece attributes or adhoc groups.

HDA Processor

example_top_hdaprocessor Example for HDA Processor TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the HDA Processor TOP.


example_top_imagemagick Example for ImageMagick TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use Image Magick to montage and convert images.


Invoke Example for Invoke TOP node

This example demonstrates how to run compiled blocks using the Invoke TOP.

JSON Input

example_top_jsoninput Example for JSON Input TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use json input node to create workitems based on information contained in json files.

JSON Output

example_top_jsonoutput Example for JSON Output TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use json output node to write workitem data to json format, or to reformat existing json files.

Make Directory

MakeADirectory Example for Make Directory TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use Make Dir to create directories on the system.



This example demonstrates how to use the Map All node to establish dependencies from everything downstream to everything upstream.



This example demonstrates how to use the Map by Expression node to establish dependencies from downstream to upstream work items.



This example demonstrates how to use the Map by Index node to establish dependencies from downstream to upstream based on workitem index.



This example demonstrates how to use the Map by Range node to establish dependencies from downstream to upstream based on workitem index.


Merge Example for Merge TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the merge TOP to combine work item lists from multiple nodes.


Null Example for Null TOP node

This example demonstrates the usage of null nodes.

Partition by Attribute

AttributeNames Example for Partition by Attribute TOP node

This example demonstrates how the Partition by Attribute TOP node can be used to group work items by the existence of attribute(s).

AttributeValue Example for Partition by Attribute TOP node

This example file demonstrates how work items can be partition by specific attribute value(s).

DistinctValues Example for Partition by Attribute TOP node

This example file demonstrates how to create a partition for each unique attribute value on the list of upstream work items.

Partition by Bounds

PartitionByBounds Example for Partition by Bounds TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the partition by bounds TOP node.

Partition by Combination

PartitionByCombination Example for Partition by Combination TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the partition by combination TOP node.

Partition by Comparison

PartitionByComparison Example for Partition by Comparison TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the partition by combination TOP node.

Partition by Expression

PartitionByExpression Example for Partition by Expression TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the partition by expression TOP node.

Partition by Frame

PartitionByFrame Example for Partition by Frame TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the Partition by Frame TOP node to wait for work items with the same frame value.

Partition by Index

PartitionByIndex Example for Partition by Index TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the partition by index node in PDG/TOPs.

Partition by Node

PartitionByNode Example for Partition by Node TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the partition by node in PDG/TOPs.

Partition by Range

PartitionByRange Example for Partition by Range TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the Partition by Range TOP node to group work items input work items based on range limits.

Partition by Tile

PartitionByTile Example for Partition by Tile TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the Partition by Tile TOP node.



This example demonstrates how to create python command chains.



This example demonstrates how to use the Python Mapper TOP node to create dependencies between upstream and downstream work items.

Python Partitioner

PythonPartitioner Example for Python Partitioner TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the Python Partitioner TOP node to create partitions from upstream work items.

Python Processor

PythonProcessor Example for Python Processor TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the Python Processor TOP node to generate new work items.

Python Script

CreateAttributes Example for Python Script TOP node

This example file demonstrates creates work item attributes using a Python Script node.

PythonScript Example for Python Script TOP node

This example demonstrates how the Python Script node can be used to run Python code in process or out of process.

Range Extend

RangeExtend Example for Range Extend TOP node

This example files demonstrates how the Range Extend TOP node can be used to extend a list of frame-based work items to a larger frame range.

Range Generate

RangeGenerate Example for Range Generate TOP node

This example file demonstrates how the Range Generate TOP can be used to generate a list of work items over a frame range.

Render IFD

RenderIFD Example for Render IFD TOP node

This example demonstrates how to render .ifd files using the Render IFD TOP node.

ROP Alembic Output

ROPAlembicOutput Example for ROP Alembic Output TOP node

This example demonstrates how to produce an Alembic (.abc) file from a SOP network using the ROP Alembic Output TOP node.

ROP Composite Output

ROPCompositeOutput Example for ROP Composite Output TOP node

This examples demonstrates how to use ROP Composite Output TOP node to run a COP network on images from input work items.

ROP Fetch

ROPFetch Example for ROP Fetch TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the ROP Fetch TOP node to create work items that cook a ROP node.

ROP Geometry Output

ROPGeometryOutput Example for ROP Geometry Output TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the ROP Geometry Output TOP node to cook a SOP network.

VariableFrameRange Example for ROP Geometry Output TOP node

This example demonstrates how to set a variable frame range using expressions on a ROP Geometry TOP node.

ROP Mantra Render

ROPMantraRender Example for ROP Mantra Render TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the ROP Mantra Render node to render images using Mantra from TOPs.

ROP USD Output

ROPUSDOutput Example for ROP USD Output TOP node

This example demonstrates how to produce a USD (.usd*) file from a LOP network using the ROP USD Output TOP node.

Send Email

SendAnEmail Example for Send Email TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the Send Email top node to send a an e-mail with a file attachment.


Sort Example for Sort TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the Sort TOP to reorder work items based on an attribute value.


Split Example for Split TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the Split TOP node to split a list of work items into two separate outputs.

SQL Input

example_top_sqlinput Example for SQL Input TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the SQL Input node to query information from a SQLite database and store that information as work item attributes.


Switch Example for Switch TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the switch TOP node.

Text Output

TextOutput Example for Text Output TOP node

This example file demonsrates how the Text Output TOP can be used to write out a text file with work item attributes in it.

TOP Fetch

FetchingATopNetwork Example for TOP Fetch TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use Top Fetch node to execute a TOP network out of process and return the results.

TOP Fetch Input

FetchingATopNetworkWithInput Example for TOP Fetch Input TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use Top Fetch to fetch results from other top networks (using Top Fetch Input).

USD Import Data

USDImport Example for USD Import Data TOP node

This example demonstrates how to generate work items from primitives in a LOP stage using the USD Import TOP node.

USD Import Files

USDImportFiles Example for USD Import Files TOP node

This example demonstrates how to generate work items from files referenced by a USD file using the USD Import TOP node.

USD Render Files

USDRender Example for USD Render Files TOP node

This example demonstrates how to render USD / LOPs content using the husk renderer with the USD Render TOP node.

Wait for All

WaitForAll Example for Wait for All TOP node

This example demonstrates how to the Wait for All TOP node.


WedgeGeometry Example for Wedge TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the wedge node along with a ROP Geometry to create variations of a SOP network.

Work Item Expand

WorkItemExpand Example for Work Item Expand TOP node

This example demonstrates how to use the workitem expand node to create additional work items from a list of upstream output files.

Xml Input

InputXML Example for Xml Input TOP node

This example demonstrates how to create work items from XML data using the XML Input TOP node.

Node examples

Examples by node type