
Active Value

AnimatedActiveState Example for Active Value dynamics node

This example shows how to use the Active Value DOP to animate the Active state of an object. When an object is not active (it is passive), it is not simulated. To keyframe both the active state of an object and its motion while passive, use the RBD Keyframe Active DOP.

AutoFreezeRBD Example for Active Value dynamics node

This example shows a system for automatically detecting when RBD objects achieve a rest state and then turning off their active status. This will freeze them in place reducing computation time and jitter.


SimpleAffector Example for Affector dynamics node

This example shows how to use the Affector DOP to set up a variety of affector relationships between a set of RBD Objects. It also shows how these different affector relationships affect the simulation.

Agent Clip Layer

ClipLayerTrigger Example for Agent Clip Layer dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use the Agent Clip Layer DOP to apply a clip to the upper body of an agent. The clip is activated when the agent is inside a bounding box.

Agent Look At

AgentLookAtBasic Example for Agent Look At dynamics node

This example demonstrates several methods of defining look at targets, such as looking at other agents in the crowd or points from a point cloud.

Anchor: Align Axis

LookAt Example for Anchor: Align Axis dynamics node

This example shows how to build a Look At Constraint which keeps a teapot pointed at a bouncing ball. It shows how to build constraints out of anchors and constraint relationships.

Apply Relationship

ApplyRelationship Example for Apply Relationship dynamics node

This example shows how you can use the Apply Relationship DOP to add pin constraints to wire objects.

BridgeCollapse Example for Apply Relationship dynamics node

This example shows how to use the Apply Relationship DOP to propagate constraints automatically and create an RBD simulation of a collapsing bridge.

ConstrainedTeapots Example for Apply Relationship dynamics node

This example demonstrates how the Apply Relationship DOP can be used to create multiple constraints with the RBD Pin Constraint node.

MutualConstraints Example for Apply Relationship dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to build mutual constraints between two DOP objects using the Apply Relationship node.

Blend Solver

SimpleBlend Example for Blend Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use the Blend Solver. In this case the Blend Solver is used to blend between an RBD solution and a keyframed solution.

Buoyancy Force

BuoyancyForce Example for Buoyancy Force dynamics node

This example shows how to extract a surface field from another object to use as a buoyancy force source.

Cloth Object

AnimatedClothPatch Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

This example shows how a piece of cloth that is pinned on four corners. These corners are constrained to the animated geometry.

BendCloth Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

This cloth example demonstrates how the stiffness of your cloth object can be defined by using the strong or weak bend parameters.

BendDamping Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

This cloth example demonstrates the use of the Damping parameter to control how quickly a cloth object will come to its rest position.

BlanketBall Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

This cloth example shows you how to simulate a ball bouncing on a blanket pinned at all four corners.

ClothAttachedDynamic Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

This example shows a piece of cloth attached to a dynamics point on a rigid object.

ClothFriction Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

This cloth example demonstrates the Friction parameter on the Physical properties of a cloth object.

ClothUv Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

This is an example that shows how you can specify the warped and weft directions on a triangulated cloth planel using uv coordinates.

Because the uv directions are aligned with the xy directions of the grid, the result looks nearly identical to a quad grid, even though the mesh is triangulated.

The little blue and yellow lines visualize the directions of the cloth fabric. This is enabled in the Visualization tab of both cloth objects.

DragCloth Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

This example shows how adding Normal and Tanget Drag to a cloth object can influence its behaviour.

MultipleSphereClothCollisions Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

This example shows a pieces of cloth with different properties colliding with spheres. By adjusting the stiffness, bend, and surfacemassdensity values, we can give the cloth a variety of different behaviours.

PanelledClothPrism Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

This example demonstraits a paneling workflow to create a open-ended rectangular prism which keeps its shape.

PanelledClothRuffles Example for Cloth Object dynamics node

This example demonstraits a paneling workflow and use of the seamangle primitive attribute to create a cloth ruffle attached to a static object.

Constraint Network

AnchorPins Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

This example demonstrates how different anchor positions can affect pin constraints.

AngularMotorDenting Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

This example demonstrates how angular motors can be used with pin constraints to create a denting effect.

BreakingSprings Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

This example shows how to use a SOP Solver to break spring constraints in a constraint network that have stretched too far.

Chains Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

This example shows how to create a chain of objects that are connected together by pin constraints.

ControlledGlueBreaking Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

This example shows how to gradually remove glue bonds from a constraint network and control the crumbling of a building.

GlueConstraintNetwork Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

This example shows how to create a constraint network to glue together adjacent pieces of a fractured object. It also shows how primitive attributes such as 'strength' can be used to modify properties of individual constraints in the network.

Hinges Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use pin constraints to create hinges between objects.

PointAnchors Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

This example shows how to create a basic constraint network with point anchors.

SoftConstraintNetwork Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

This example shows how to create a simple network of soft constraints, which are used to allow an object to bend before breaking.

SpringToGlue Example for Constraint Network dynamics node

This example shows how to create spring constraints between nearby objects, and then change those constraints to glue constraints during the simulation.

Copy Objects

AutoFracturing Example for Copy Objects dynamics node

This example shows how to use the Copy Object DOP, in conjunction with a Multi Solver, to automatically break an RBD object in half whenever it impacts another object.

SimpleCopy Example for Copy Objects dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of the Copy Objects DOP. A single RBD Object is copied 100 times, and assigned a random initial velocity, and a position based on some grid geometry. These 100 spheres are then dropped onto a ground plane.

Crowd Solver

AnimatedStaticAgents Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

This example file demonstrates how to set up “animated static” agents for the crowd solver. These agents follow SOP-level animation and can be used for avoidance or turned into ragdolls.

CrowdHeightField Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates using heightfields for terrain adaptation in the crowd solver, and for collisions against ragdolls in the Bullet solver.

CrowdStickyCollisions Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates using the Bullet solver’s sticky collisions to keep arrows attached to ragdolls after a collision.

FollowTerrain Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to set up a crowd simulation where agents are oriented to follow the terrain normal.

FootLocking Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to set up foot locking for an agent.

PartialRagdolls Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to set up a partial ragdoll, where a subset of the agent’s joints are simulated as active objects by the Bullet solver and the remaining joints are animated.

PinnedRagdolls Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to set up constraints to attach a ragdoll to an external object, and how to use motors to drive an active ragdoll with an animation clip.

Formation Crowd Example Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

Crowd example showing a changing formation setup

The setup creates an army of agents. There are two paths created. Middle part of the army starts moving and then splits into two formations. One goes to the left, the other groups keeps marching forward and slowly changes formation to a wedge shape.

To keep the agents in formation a custom geo shape is used. It’s points are used as goals for indiviudal agents. Using blendshapes the shape can change allowing for different formation changes. Dive inside the crowdsource object to see the construction.

Stadium Crowd Example Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

Crowd example showing a stadium setup

The setup creates a stadium crowd. The rotating cheer_bbox object is used as a bounding box for the agents. When they are inside it it will trigger a transition from a sitting to a cheering state. After a few seconds the cheering crowd sits back down by transitioning into a sitting state.


To only see a section of the crowd for quicker preview there’s a switch node in /obj/crowdsource/switch_all_subsection. When 0 it will show all agents, when set to 1 will only show a small section.

Street Crowd Example Example for Crowd Solver dynamics node

Crowd example showing a street setup with two agent groups

The setup creates two groups of agents. The yellow agents are zombies which follow a path of the street. The blue agents are living pedestrians that wander around until they come into proximity of the zombies and then they swtich into a running state.

Triggers to change agent states are setup in the crowd_sim dopnet. The zombies group uses proximity to the stoplights and the color of the light to transition into a standing state when lights are red. The living group transition into a running state when they get close to the zombie agents.

Crowd Trigger

CrowdTriggers Example for Crowd Trigger dynamics node

This example file demonstrates how the built-in trigger types for the Crowd Trigger DOP can be used.

Drag Force

TypesOfDrag Example for Drag Force dynamics node

This sample illustrates three different ways to apply drag on an rbd object: by dragging the linear velocity, by dragging the angular velocity, or by directly changing the angular velocity.

Field Force

FieldForceSmoke Example for Field Force dynamics node

Extracts the velocity field from a smoke simulation to use as a wind force on a POP simulation.

FromRBD Example for Field Force dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use another active RBD Object as the source for the Field Force DOP. Two balls bounce inside a cube, one of the balls is set to repel the other according to force values stored on its geometry.

SimpleField Example for Field Force dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of the Field Force DOP. A group of RBD Objects are passed through a field which at first pulls the together, and then pulls them apart as they advance through the field.


CacheToDisk Example for File dynamics node

This example shows how to use the File DOP to cache a simulation to disk and read it back in.



This example demonstrates how to use the FEM Solver to deform spheres when they collide with the ground plane. The spheres have particle based animation on them prior to collision with the ground and are swapped to the FEM solver on collision.


This example shows how to generate wrinkles dynamically using the FEM solver. It contains a generic setup, where an object that represents bones and muscles is connected to another object that represents fat and skin. The animation of the bones and muscles object makes the skin wrinkle indirectly. This demonstrates the use of the FEM Solid Object, the FEM Hybrid Object, the FEM Fuse Constraint, and the distributed target constraints that are built-in into FEM Objects.


This example shows a setup for a timeless Quasistatic simulation using the FEM solver. A model is driven using soft constraints and animation. This setup could allow you to simulate frames in parallel, for example using PDG.


This example demonstrates how to use the FEM Solver to preserve the volume of a deforming torus.

FLIP Solver

DensityViscosity Example for FLIP Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates two fluids with different densities and viscosities interacting with a solid object.

FlipColumn Example for FLIP Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates how a mixture of fluid colours can have their colour changed by a collision with a static object.

SpinningFlipCollision Example for FLIP Solver dynamics node

This scene shows how to create FLIP fluids based on the velocity of geometry by generating new particles from points scattered on the original geometry based on the velocity vectors. It also shows how to set up the original geometry to act as a collision object for the fluid.

VariableViscosity Example for FLIP Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates interaction between three fluids of varying viscosity and a moving collision object.

Fluid Force

FluidWireInteraction Example for Fluid Force dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of the Fluid Force DOP. The Fluid Force DOP is used to apply a drag force on a wire object according to the motions of a fluid object. The drag force is only applied at locations where fluid exist in the fluid object.

Fluid Object

BallInTank Example for Fluid Object dynamics node

This example shows an RBD ball being thrown into a tank of liquid.

FillGlass Example for Fluid Object dynamics node

Fills an RBD container with fluid that enters the simulation by being sourced from another RBD object.

FluidFeedback Example for Fluid Object dynamics node

This example shows a ball falling into a tank with feedback. This couples the RBD simulation with the Fluid simulation, causing the ball to float rather than sink.

PaintedGrog Example for Fluid Object dynamics node

This example creates a torus of paint which is dropped on the Grog character. The Grog character is then colored according to the paint that hits him. This also shows how to have additional color information tied to a fluid simulation.

RestartFluid Example for Fluid Object dynamics node

This example shows how to extract part of a fluid simulation and use it to start up a new fluid simulation, possibly with different resolution, location, or size.

RiverBed Example for Fluid Object dynamics node

A simple river bed has a fluid source and fluid sink set up so that liquid rushes down the river.

VariableDrag Example for Fluid Object dynamics node

This example shows how to vary the drag in a fluid simulation. It provides examples of using a specified field to be a high drag zone, of automatically applying drag only to the fluid surface, and of applying negative drag to an area to make the fluid more volatile.

Gas Calculate

HotBox Example for Gas Calculate dynamics node

This example shows how to take any object with it’s volume representation and add it to the temperature field. You can change the temperature of the object in two ways: by adjusting the volume density value or by adjusting the Gas Calculate microsolver DOP’s source’s Pre-Multiply field.

Gas Diffuse

DiffuseSmoke Example for Gas Diffuse dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to diffuse the density of a smoke simulation using the Gas Diffuse DOP.

Gas Embed Fluid

CombinedSmoke Example for Gas Embed Fluid dynamics node

In this example, two smoke volumes are merged together using a Gas Embed Fluid DOP and some feathering to help provide a smoother transition between the volumes.

Gas Equalize Volume

EqualizeFlip Example for Gas Equalize Volume dynamics node

This example demonstrates how the Gas Equalize Volume dop can be used to preserve the volume in a fluid simulation.

EqualizeLiquid Example for Gas Equalize Volume dynamics node

This example demonstrates how the Gas Equalize Volume dop can be used to preserve the volume in a fluid simulation.

Gas Net Fetch Data

dopexample_gasnetfetchdata Example for Gas Net Fetch Data dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of Gas Net Fetch Data to have two separate dop simulations exchange data.

Gas Particle to Field

TimelessGas Example for Gas Particle to Field dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of gasParticleToField in Timeless mode.

Gas Surface Tension

TeapotUnderTension Example for Gas Surface Tension dynamics node

This example creates a teapot shaped blob of liquid. It then uses surface tension forces to smooth the blob into a sphere.

Gas Up Res

UpresRetime Example for Gas Up Res dynamics node

This example demonstrates how the Up Res Solver can now be used to re-time an existing simulation. The benefit of this is that one can simply change the speed without affecting the look of the sim. On the up-res solver there is a tab called Time. The Time tab offers various controls to change the simulation’s speed.



This example simulates grass being pushed down by an RBD object. Fur Objects are used to represent the blades of grass and Wire Objects are used to simulate the motion. When a single Fur Object is used to represent the grass, neighbouring blades of grass will have similar motion. Additional objects with different stiffness values can be used to make the motion less uniform. When “Complex Mode” is enabled, two objects are used to represent the grass. The stiffness of each set of curves can be controlled by adjusting the “Angular Spring Constant” and “Linear Spring Constant” parameters on the corresponding Wire Objects.



This is a setup for guided wrinkling using the hybrid object. The first sim creates a detailed mesh consisting of both tets and triangles that doesn’t have any wrinkles yet. The second sim is targeted to the animation creates by the first sim and this adds in the wrinkles.

Magnet Force

MagnetMetaballs Example for Magnet Force dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use the Magnet Force node on a group of metaballs to force the fragments of an object outwards at the moment of impact.

SimpleMagnets Example for Magnet Force dynamics node

This example demonstrates how the magnetforce DOP can be used with a pair of metaballs (one positive and one negative) to attract/repulse an RBD sphere.

Mask Field

MaskedField Example for Mask Field dynamics node

A Uniform Force is applied to a number of RBD Objects to demonstrate how the Mask Field can be used to define a region where the force will be applied.

Multiple Solver

SimpleMultiple Example for Multiple Solver dynamics node

This examples demonstrates how to use a Multiple Solver. In this example, the motion of an object is controlled by an RBD Solver while the geometry is modified by a SOP Solver.


Particle fluid buoyancy

This example demonstrates how to couple the Particle Fluid with an RBD object so they both affect each other. The result is a buoyant sphere.


This example demonstrates the use of viscous and elastic forces in a particle-based fluid to generate viscoelastic fluid behaviour. The result is a fluid-like object that tends to resist deformation and retain its shape.


This example demonstrates highly viscous fluid flow using particle-based fluids. Fluids of this form could be used to simulate slowly-flowing fluids such as lava or mud.


This somewhat complicated example is meant to demonstrate a simple workflow for simulating, storing, surfacing and rendering a particle fluid simulation. Three geometry nodes in the example are named Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3 according to the order in which they are to be used. They write out particle geometry to disk, read the geometry in and surface it, and read the surfaced geometry from disk, respectively. The example also has shaders and a camera built in so that it can be easily rendered.

The fluid animated in this scene models a highly-elastic gelatin-like blob of fluid.

POP Advect by Filaments

AdvectByFilaments Example for POP Advect by Filaments dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use POP Advect by Filaments to advect particles using the velocity field of a set of vortex filaments.

POP Advect by Volumes

AdvectByVolume Example for POP Advect by Volumes dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use POP Advect by Volumes to advect particles using the velocity from a smoke simulation.

POP Attract

ParticlesAttract Example for POP Attract dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use the POP Attract node to get a group of particles to follow the motion of an animated sphere. POP Interact and POP Drag nodes are also used in the example to control the interaction between particles and their distance from the sphere.

ParticlesIntercept Example for POP Attract dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use the POP Attract node to get a particle sim to intercept and follow individual particles.

PointAttraction Example for POP Attract dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use the POP Attract node with it’s type set to Point in order to control particle attraction on a per point basis.

POP Axis Force

SphereAxisForce Example for POP Axis Force dynamics node

This example shows three different ways in which the POP Axis Force node can be used with it’s type set to sphere to control your particle simulation.

TorusAxisForce Example for POP Axis Force dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use the POP Axis Force node to cause a group of particles to billow upwards.

POP Collision Detect

ParticleCollisions Example for POP Collision Detect dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of the POP Collision Detect node to simulate particles colliding with a rotating torus with animated deformations.

POP Color

ColorVex Example for POP Color dynamics node

This example shows three different ways to use VEXpressions in your POP Color node to color your particles.

POP Curve Force

CurveForce Example for POP Curve Force dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of the POP Curve Force node to control the flow of a particle sim AND a flip fluid sim.

POP Flock

FlockInPops Example for POP Flock dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to control flocks of particles by using the POP Flock node.

POP Force

CurlForce Example for POP Force dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use the POP Force node to add curl noise to your particle simulation.

POP Grains

BaconDrop Example for POP Grains dynamics node

This example demonstrates dropping slices of bacon onto a torus. It shows how to extract a 2d object from a texture map and how to repeatedly add the same grain-sheet object to DOPs.

KeyframedGrains Example for POP Grains dynamics node

This example demonstrates keyframing the internal grains of a solid pighead to create an animated puppet.

TargetSand Example for POP Grains dynamics node

This example demonstrates attracting grain simulations to points on the surface of a model.

VaryingGrainSize Example for POP Grains dynamics node

This example demonstrates interacting grain simulations of very different sizes.

POP Interact

SwarmBall Example for POP Interact dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of the POP Interact node to control the distance between particles and create a ball shaped swarm.

POP Lookat

LookatTarget Example for POP Lookat dynamics node

This interactive example demonstrates the use of the POP Lookat node. Hit play and move the green target handle around in the viewport. The cone particles will orient themselves towards the target as you move it around.

POP Properties

DragCenter Example for POP Properties dynamics node

This example shows how you can use the Drag Center parameter of the POP Property node to apply an off-center drag to falling objects.

POP Proximity

ProximateParticles Example for POP Proximity dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use POP Proximity node to find nearby particles and set attributes based on their proximity to one another.

POP Stream

CrossTheStreams Example for POP Stream dynamics node

This example shows how the POP Stream node can be used to define streams with different behaviours within your particle simulation.

POP Wind Shadow

WindBlock Example for POP Wind Shadow dynamics node

This example explores the different ways to set up wind shadow in vellum simulations.

Pyro Solver

BillowyTurbine Example for Pyro Solver dynamics node

This example uses the Pyro Solver and a Smoke Object which emits billowy smoke up through a turbine (an RBD Object). The blades of the turbine are created procedurally using Copy, Circle, and Align SOPs.

RBD Angular Spring Constraint

DampedHinge Example for RBD Angular Spring Constraint dynamics node

This example shows how to use the RBD Angular Spring Constraint to create a damped hinge.

SimpleRotationalConstraint Example for RBD Angular Spring Constraint dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of an RBD Angular Spring Constraint.

RBD Auto Freeze

Stack Example for RBD Auto Freeze dynamics node

Teapots are dropped every ten frames onto a ground plane. The RBD AutoFreeze DOP is used to detect and freeze the teapots that have come to rest, stabilizing and speeding up the simulation.

Cone Twist Constraint

RagdollExample Example for Cone Twist Constraint dynamics node

This sample creates a simple ragdoll using the cone twist constraint between pieces of the ragdoll.

RBD Fractured Object

ShatterDebris Example for RBD Fractured Object dynamics node

This example demonstrates the how the shatter, RBD Fractured Object, and Debris shelf tools can be used to create debris emanating from fractured pieces of geometry.

First, the Shatter tool (from the Model tool shelf) is used on the glass to define the fractures. Then the RBD Fracture tool is used on the glass to create RBD objects out of the fractured pieces. Then the Debris tool is used on the RBD fractured objects to create debris.

ShatterGlass Example for RBD Fractured Object dynamics node

This example demonstrates the how the RBD Fractured Object, RBD Pin Contraints, and RBD Material Fracture can be used to shatter glass in Houdini.

StackedBricks Example for RBD Fractured Object dynamics node

This example shows how to create a large number of RBD objects from a single SOP. It also shows how a velocity point attribute can be used to set the initial motion for the objects.



This example shows how to grab animated key frame data from an RBD Glue object and blend it into a simulation of a cube fragmenting into multiple pieces on impact.


This is an example of how to use the RBD Glue Object node to create an RBD object that automatically breaks apart on collision. It also demonstrates one technique for breaking a model into pieces appropriate for this sort of simulation.


This example shows how one can control the break up of any glued object through the use of the RBD State node.

A torus, composed of spheres, is glued together. An additional sweep plane is defined. Any sphere which ends up on the wrong side of the sweep plane is broken off the torus and left to bounce on its own. This lets the break up of the torus to be controlled over many frames.


This example shows how one can control the break up of any glued object through the use of the RBD State node.

In this version of the choreographed breakup example, a moving plane is used to choreograph the breakup of a fractured tube. As the plane passes each piece, it is allowed to break off from the rest of the tube.

RBD Hinge Constraint

Pendulum Example for RBD Hinge Constraint dynamics node

This example shows how to use the RBD Hinge Constraint to create a hinge joint between an RBD Object and a world space position or other RBD object.

RBD Keyframe Active

SimpleKeyActive Example for RBD Keyframe Active dynamics node

This example uses the RBD Keyframe Active node to switch from a keyframed animation to an RBD Solver, and back to keyframed animation. This same animation could be created using a Switch Solver or Blend Solver, but this approach is simpler if the only requirement is switching from keyframed to simulated motion for a few RBD Objects.

RBD Object

DeformingRBD Example for RBD Object dynamics node

This example demonstrates a rigid body dynamics simulation involving deforming geometry. A wobbling torus is dropped onto a ground plane.

FrictionBalls Example for RBD Object dynamics node

This example demonstrates the friction parameter on an RBD Object.

RBDInitialState Example for RBD Object dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of the Initial State parameter of an RBD object.

SimpleRBD Example for RBD Object dynamics node

This example demonstrates a simple rigid body dynamics simulation using the RBD Object DOP. A single sphere is dropped onto a ground plane.

RBD Packed Object

ActivateObjects Example for RBD Packed Object dynamics node

This example shows how to modify the “active” point attribute of an RBD Packed Object to change objects from static to active.

AnimatedObjects Example for RBD Packed Object dynamics node

This example shows how to use animated packed primitives in an RBD Packed Object and set up a transition to active objects later in the simulation.

DeleteObjects Example for RBD Packed Object dynamics node

This example shows how to remove objects from the simulation that are inside a bounding box.

EmittingObjects Example for RBD Packed Object dynamics node

This example shows how to use a SOP Solver to create new RBD objects and add them to an existing RBD Packed Object.

ScalingRBDs Example for RBD Packed Object dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to modify the scale of RBD objects during a simulation.

SpeedLimit Example for RBD Packed Object dynamics node

This example shows how to limit the speed of specific objects in the simulation.

RBD Pin Constraint

Chain Example for RBD Pin Constraint dynamics node

This sample creates a chain of RBD objects connected to each other using constraints.

Chainlinks Example for RBD Pin Constraint dynamics node

In this chain simulation, the individual chain links react to one another in an RBD sim.

Pendulum Example for RBD Pin Constraint dynamics node

This example shows how to use the RBD Pin Constraint to pin RBD Objects to world space positions or other RBD objects.

Slider Constraint

GravitySlideExample Example for Slider Constraint dynamics node

This sample creates a box which can only slide and rotate on one axis, using the Slider Constraint.

RBD Solver

DegreesOfFreedom Example for RBD Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of the Constraint Type parameter on the RBD Constraint node. This parameter controls the number of degrees of freedom the constrained object has.

PaddleWheel Example for RBD Solver dynamics node

This example combines a number of elements and features of RBD to create a simulation of a paddle wheel being hit by a large number of falling objects.

This example demonstrates features such as resolving penetrations, gluing simple objects together to create more complex objects, grouping of objects, and constraints.

RBD Spring Constraint

Weights Example for RBD Spring Constraint dynamics node

This example shows how to use the RBD Spring Constraint to create springs that will break once a threshold force or length is exceeded.

RBD State

InheritVelocity Example for RBD State dynamics node

This example demonstrates the use of the RBD State node to inherit velocity from movement and collision with other objects in a glued RBD fracture simulation.

RBD Visualization

Simple Example for RBD Visualization dynamics node

This example demonstrates a simple rigid body dynamics simulation using the RBD Object DOP. A single sphere is dropped onto a ground plane. It adds in an RBD Visualization DOP to show the impact forces that are applied as a result of the collision.

Reference Frame Force

ReferenceFrameForce Example for Reference Frame Force dynamics node

An RBD vase filled with water performs the water simulation in the vase’s reference frame.

Ripple Solver

RippleGrid Example for Ripple Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use the Ripple Solver and Ripple Object nodes. Bulge SOPs are used to deform a grid to create initial geometry and rest geometry for the Ripple Object which is then piped into the Ripple Solver.



This example shows how to use the FEM Region Constraint node to constrain a tube mesh to the motion of animated spheres within.

Script Solver

Freeze Example for Script Solver dynamics node

This example uses the Script Solver to remove objects from the simulation once they fall below a certain threshold velocity. This technique can be used to speed up simulations that are known to settle down to a static arrangement.

ScalePieces Example for Script Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to use the Script Solver node to scale fractured pieces of an RBD sim over time.

SumImpacts Example for Script Solver dynamics node

This example uses the Script Solver and SOP Solver to change the color of RBD objects based on the total impact energy applied to the object at each timestep.

Smoke Object

2dfluid Example for Smoke Object dynamics node

Demonstrates exporting a 2d fluid into COPs where it can be saved to disk as a sequence of image files to then be used as texture maps, displacement maps, etc.

DelayedSmokeHandoff Example for Smoke Object dynamics node

This example shows a way to turn an RBD into smoke a certain number of frames after the RBD object has hit something.

Open CL smoke Example for Smoke Object dynamics node

Demonstrates a simple Open CL accelerated smoke sim that can be used as a starting point for building optimized GPU accelerated smoke sims. See the Use OpenCL parameter on the Smoke solver.

For fastest speeds, the system needs to minimize copying to and from the video card. This example demonstrates several methods for minimizing copying.

  • Turns off DOPs caching. Caching requires copying all the fields every frame. Useful if you want to scrub and inspect random fields, not if you want maximum speed.

  • Only imports density to SOPs. This means copying only one field from the GPU to CPU each frame.

  • Saves to disk in background. This gives you the best throughput.

  • Uses a plain Smoke solver.

Displaying the simulated output in the viewport requires a GPU → CPU → GPU round trip, but this is required in general to support simulating on a card other than your display card.

RBDtoSmokeHandoff Example for Smoke Object dynamics node

This example shows a way to turn an RBD object into smoke. It uses multiple different colored smoke fields inside the same smoke object.

SourceVorticlesAndCollision Example for Smoke Object dynamics node

This example demonstrates a simple smoke system using a source, keyframed RBD collision objects, and vorticles.

rbdsmokesource Example for Smoke Object dynamics node

A ghostly tetrahedron bounces around a box, its presense shown by its continuous emission of smoke.



This solid object has a strong volume-preserving force (e.g. flesh). The effect of the volume-preserving force is clearly visible when the object hits the ground plane.

SOP Solver

DentingWithPops Example for SOP Solver dynamics node

This example combines a number of important DOPs concepts.

  • First, it uses both POP Solver and RBD Solver objects interacting with each other in a bidiretional manner. The RBD object affects the particles, and the particles affect the RBD object.

  • Second, the RBD object atually uses a multi-solver to combine an RBD Solver with a SOP Solver. The RBD Solver controls the motion of the overall object, while the SOP Solver performs the denting of the geometry.

  • Third, the SOP Solver extracts impact information from the RBD Solver to perform the denting. It extracts this information using DOP expression functions.

The end result is a simulation of a torus that is bombarded by a stream of particles. The particles bounce off the torus, and also cause the torus to move. In addition, each particle collision causes a slight denting of the torus.

VisualizeImpacts Example for SOP Solver dynamics node

An example that shows how you can visualize impact data in an RBD simulation by using a SOP Solver to add custom guide geometry to the RBD Objects.

This example has three toruses falling on a grid with green lines showing the position and magnitude of impacts. The force visualization is added as ancillary geometry data to the actual toruses, so the RBD Solver is entirely unaware of the effect. The SOP Solver could also be used as an independent SOP network to extract impact visualization from an RBD Object.

Static Object

StaticBalls Example for Static Object dynamics node

This example uses static object nodes in an RBD simulation of a grid falling and bouncing off three spheres before it hits the ground.

Vellum Solver

VellumSmokeSheet Example for Vellum Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates combining a Vellum simulation with a Smoke simulation to create a billowing sheet.

Voronoi Fracture Solver

FractureExamples Example for Voronoi Fracture Solver dynamics node

This example actually includes eight examples of ways that you can use voronoi fracturing in Houdini. In particular, it shows how you can use the Voronoi Fracture Solver and the Voronoi Fracture Configure Object nodes in your fracture simulations. Turn on the display flags for these examples one at a time to play the animation and dive down into each example to examine the setup.

Vortex Force

SimpleVortex Example for Vortex Force dynamics node

This example uses a few balls to visualize the force generated by a Vortex Force DOP.

Wind Force

TurbulentSmoke Example for Wind Force dynamics node

This example illustrates how the Wind DOP can be used to add turbulence to a fluid simulation.

Wire Glue Constraint

AnimatedSkin Example for Wire Glue Constraint dynamics node

This example shows how the Wire Glue Constraint DOP can constrain a wire object to animated geometry.

Wire Object

CompressedSpring Example for Wire Object dynamics node

This example demonstrates how an initial pose may be specified for a wire object.

Wire Solver

BeadCurtain Example for Wire Solver dynamics node

This example uses the Wire Solver to simulate a bead curtain. A stream of RBD balls are thrown at the curtain, and through feedback the curtain and balls are mutually affected by the collisions.

BendingTree Example for Wire Solver dynamics node

This example shows how to use the Wire Solver to simulate a flexible tree built with the LSystem SOP.

BreakWire Example for Wire Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to break wire constraints on a per point basis. The wire solver is set up to constrain certain points if it finds an attribute named 'pintoanimation'.

CurveAdvection Example for Wire Solver dynamics node

This example demonstrates how to advect curves based on a pyro simulation. An Attribute Wrangle SOP is used to sample the velocity from the volume and apply it to a wire object.

Pendulum Example for Wire Solver dynamics node

This example shows how to mutually affect an object at the constraint point and the object at the bob of the pendulum.

Agent Clip Transition Graph


This example demonstrates how to use a clip transition graph to provide transition clips for state transitions.

Crowd MotionPath Follow


This examples demonstrates how to bring agents following SOP-level animation into the crowd solver. These agents can be used for avoidance with simulated agents, or turned into ragdolls.

Node examples

Examples by node type