Filtering by tag

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I have 2 work items, each with a different tag:
  • “file/geo/terrain”
  • “file/image”
I'd like to filter out the work item with the “file/geo/terrain” tag.

I've tried using the “Filter By Expression” top node with no success:
I've used the HScript expression
pdginput(1, "file/image", 0)
with various string functions, but I couldn't get what I wanted.

Does anyone would have a solution?


filterbyexpression.png (72.5 KB)

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The pdginput function returns the input file, but the Filter Expression parameter is expecting an integer.

You will need to use the strcmp function:

strcmp(pdginput(0, "file/geo/terrain", 0), "")
Edited by BrookeA - Oct. 23, 2019 10:58:28
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Thanks Brandon, it works!

The only thing I don't get is: My work item's index is 1, so I wrote
strcmp(pdginput(1, "file/geo/terrain", 0), "")
Why is it only working with the work item's index set to 0?
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The index in that function is the index of the file in the list of output files, not the work item index. In this case, the 0 means the first file with that tag, while 1 would mean the second file with the tag (if it existed).

The work item index isn't needed because PDG evaluates the parameter against each work item, so all of the expression functions are computed with respect to a particular work item. If you select a work item dot in the UI, you can preview the evaluation w/ respect to that work item in the parameter interface by MMB-ing on the parm label.
Edited by tpetrick - Oct. 23, 2019 11:21:02
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Thanks for the clarification!

I guess the documentation would need a small update then []
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Yep I checked after writing my post and realized the docs are quite unclear about how the function should be used. I'm going to update it today so it does a better job describing what the function arguments are.
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