Pyro Bake Volume to XPU Pyro Preview Shader : no colors

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Hi! Following goldleaf's advices in the other thread I used the XPU Pyro Preview material in the Stage's material library.
But from what I understood I must first setup a Pyro Bake Volume in the geometry level. So that's what I did. I followed some Youtube tutorials to set this up.
But unfortunately all my colors are not transmitted from the Pyro Bake Volume to the XPU Pyro Preview Shader.
The Smoke, bound to density, is all white, instead of orange.
The Scatter, bound to scatter, is all white, instead of orange.
Fire and secondary fire, both bound to flame, are more close to their Pyro Bake Volume origins but still do not look like what I set up.
Please check the pic.
Edited by Grendizer - April 26, 2023 13:02:25

pyrobakevolume to XPU_Pyro_Preview_Shader exp.jpg (343.0 KB)

Houdini gamboler
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If you're going to combine shaders, shouldn't your Assign Material field point to the collect node?
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Hello Enivob
Well I got this triple nodes setup when I went into pyrobakevolume1 > quick setup drop down menu > create material.
I don't understand why Houdini puts a Pyro Shader and a Combined Pyro shader, I think only the XPU Pyro Preview should be enough, shouldn't it?
Here, in the material library of the stage context, I re-established the material flags are they were set when I used this menu.
In the pyrobakevolume1 node, in the "assign material" option, I entered the path to this Combined_Pyro_Shaders node.
But the result is the same. Check the pic, thanks.

NOTE: I forgot to mention that I'm trying to render with Karma XPU.

Edited by Grendizer - April 26, 2023 13:33:18

Pyrobakevolume to XPU_Pyro_Preview Combined Shaders exp.jpg (334.3 KB)

Houdini gamboler
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I think I found what's going wrong:
kma_pyropreview does not have a color gradient function.
pyrobakevolume has a gradient, but not kma_pyropreview.
How can I set up in kma_pyropreview the same gradient I have on pyrobakevolume ?
Houdini gamboler
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Ok as far as what I've understood , ramps/gradient are not available YET in XPU Pyro Preview shader (kma_pyropreview) in Hou 19.5. We'll have to wait for a future release.
Houdini gamboler
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