KineFX, Auto joint creation: stuck on groupings

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Hi. I have made a few nodes that take some geo, pack it and by using rig doctor make joints. In the screen grab I have a few spheres pretending to be arms, So far I can auto build the joints and hierarchy. But only on one thing at a time. IE arms, legs, etc.

I am trying to work out how I can feed in multiple parts to be rigged. IE, Arms and Legs and it automatically make the correct joints and structure. It feels like I need a new for loop that will somehow group similar named bits of geo (legs_01_jnt, legs_02_jnt)and (arms_01_jnt, arms_02_jnt) so when I run the add SOP though it I get all the correct structures built. Hopfully this post makes sense. I can see the finish line but cannot reach it. Any help would much appreciated :-)

Best. Mark

Capture.JPG (90.6 KB)
KienFX_autoNameJoints.hipnc (188.5 KB)

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665 posts
Joined: Aug. 2013
Hi. I have just solved it with some help.

here is the solution. Best

KienFX_autoNameJoints_DT.hipnc (168.8 KB)

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