Exporting .obj with groups?

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I have an object with different groups inside Houdini and I would like to export these groups as selection groups or materials. I tried exporting via File Sop but it exported neither materials nor groups as sets.

Any suggestions?

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RMB on a node below where you've made the groups in sops and save the geometry as .obj. The groups should be preserved.
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thanks for the follow up. I think this will work.

Btw would it be possible to use foreach sop to write every group into seperate file? I tried it it might work, but I cannot seem to rename individual groups wir proper names.

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Just to follow up on exporting seperate items using foreach idea:

I have managed to export every group as a seperate object using foreach sop. I have put partition and connectivity sops between my groups and foreach . I used attribute in foreach panel,which then I was able to use stamping inside the file write node inside the foreach sop. So far it does the job for me. At least every group is exported with unique name, stamped with the connectivity output.

Ideally I would like to export my objects with their proper group names. What would be the way to achieve that?
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no need for connectivity/partition if you already have groups
just use foreach in group mode with groupmask *
then use stamps() inside to stamp your for variable
it will contain the name of the current group (notice stamps(), not stamp(), because the variable contains string (group name))

i am not in front of houdini right now, but it should work that way
Tomas Slancik
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Thanks for your help. That seems to be doing the job fine. That is what I was trying to achieve.
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