houdini UI operation

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Q : Viewport operation
How can I change viewport angle ,when I select and modify geometry.
I could 2step method. push s-key and modify geometry then push Esc-key and thumble.
I'd like to 1step operation like a maya style.

Q: pivot operation
I'd like to move the selected polygon mesh in the direction of the normal.
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Strongly advice you to see *all video tutorials from Tutorials section and Apprentice Blog section on this site… you will give yourself some peace.

Q1: Press Space bar to break temporary any viewport tool.

Q2: You move pivot with the same key as in Maya -> ‘ (check out Maya transition Guide" in Houdini’s Introductory (menu Help -> Start Here).

I don't think you can align pivot to prim's normal in EditSOP. This is doable via PeakSOP though. I could be wrong I'm not a modeling monkey, sorry.

EDIT: EditSOP has a second mode (see its tabs), called Peak. Switch to this tab and your handle will align to normal of selection.

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Thank you.
but I could not change to hot-key assign to Alt-key(maya style).

and I'll check to video.
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This sounds like an OS desktop setting. Are you on windows or linux?
You'll have to check your desktop settings and re-assign you Alt key there.

Thank you.
but I could not change to hot-key assign to Alt-key(maya style).

and I'll check to video.
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You currently can not swap the space bar key for the alt key.
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Hi probbins,

I have a linux.
I already change to window settings(ALf -> Super-Key).
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