I3D flickering

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I have little questions about I3D images. I created particle trail behind rocket, add metaballs, render metabals as volume add billowy shader, but I3d in render flickering, in alpha too, so no shadow problem, In scene I must scale I3d a lot to fix axactly shape I want but I3d has very pooor subd, and every frame change mesh alot. How to fix it? there is little hip file.

Another question is about scale of scene, I created clouds with meta, same system, render relatively fast with 2 deep shadowed lights, but If I use this same setup for larger scene say 20x scale only plane which generate scatter with meta, all is same, render take soooo much long when generate deep shadows. So scale of scene is big problem for I3D?

Thanks a lot all of you …BC…

help+smoke.hip (651.1 KB)

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Sorry, I haven't gotten the chance to look at your files yet. But perhaps these suggestions may help. Have you tried to ensure that the density or alpha (or whatever attribute that was used to drive the smoke density) falls to zero before the particle dies?

As for taking 20x longer, it really depend on how your scene is set up. If you have a LOT more points, the i3d shader will literally have to perform much more looping as it calculate per-point noise and other attributes.

I have also just talked about why volume rendering can become slow http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=16847 [sidefx.com]. Perhaps this might answer some of your question as well?
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