speed up PBR

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Hi all,
normally SpotLights, GiLight is OK, but now H11 new possibilities brings me into a concrete problem.
I have to make a “realistic” picture in HighRes (5.000 x 5.000 px) from a room and I instance a AreaLight (16 lights) and take a small AmbientLight. Shaders are normal reflective with a small amount of reflection of lights and geometries.
It takes over 12 hours to render the picture in 1.600 x 1.600 px. I enable the irradiations cache but no file was written… any help to make it faster?


BTW… any idea to darken the light on the ceiling? the material has reflect light off!

And I forgot: I have a W7, 64Bit, Intel Quad and 8GB Ram. The scene takes 7.5GB (
Edited by - Sept. 24, 2010 03:48:32
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…I know it's not OK to compare that way but just what I can't understand.

The above picture takes over 12 hours to render 1.600 x 1.600 and still not ready. Because I need this picture I load the same scene into H10 and change all shaders to nearly the same as in H11. leave all lights and the renderer with PBR.
H10 was ready in 4 house in 3.000 x 3.000
Edited by - Sept. 24, 2010 03:48:09
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Almost impossible to help you out by just looking at those images. I agree that H11 shouldn't be more than 3X slower than H10, but in order to find the culprit you're going to need to do a simple version of that scene that you can upload and we can all look at.
Maybe keep all the lighting, a simple box for the overall room, and a grid+box combo for the computer stacks – plus some of the shaders of course.
Mario Marengo
Senior Developer at Folks VFX [folksvfx.com] in Toronto, Canada.
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Hi Mario,

just want to tell my story;o) I know that no none can help me! In production it's a little problem if H10 and H11 are not that compatible as earlier versions.


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If you're using the mantra surface gallery material, be sure to disconnect the displacement shader in the VOP material otherwise you'll be paying a high price to generate displaced geometry.

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Hi Andrew,

Does that mean if displacement is “0” i.e. noise is off and no map that there is still a penalty?


Peter B
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