Intersection of multiple shapes

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I thought I had it figured out procedurally in this file attached, but for some reason it's not working… can anyone tell me why?
Basically I used a copy SOP and tried to procedurally select groups of 2 shapes at a time, out of all the copies, and run the intersect SOP on them. But it only really works between the first 2 shapes.


intersect_test_01.hipnc (52.0 KB)

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I still can't understand why this doesn't work, can anybody say if it's a bug or something that I'm doing wrong?
In my understanding, as well as in the curvesect SOP help, it should intersect two or more curves, although it's completely arbitrary the results I'm getting…

Here's another file,


curvesect_error_01.hipnc (60.4 KB)

Toronto - ON
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Hi Rafaels,

The problem with curve and surf sect is that it's working, but not in every scenario - and your case is the one in which it doesn't if you have many intersecting curves and want to evaluate intersections in one go that for sure will fail. The simple workaround is to build a loop do the operation on each pair of curves (see attached example). This should succeed in a simple scene as this but you definitely run into more problems if there are multiple intersection regions. The issue of using forloops is that it's slow in heavier scenes.

The same thing applies to surfsect, in addition you need to pay attention to the direction of the intersecting surfaces.

It would be nice to have these operators improved (I dream of Rhino performance level) but since developers are focused more on another areas I reckon it will not happen very soon.


curvesect_error_01_328_loop.hipnc (72.9 KB)

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