Rendering directly to cops?

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hi guys,

How to render directly in to cops?

I tryed to use the render cop but it seem not to work that easy?

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Joined: Oct. 2010
Hey mickyblue, I assume you are doing something like post on your renders. You could use regular file COPs and use a ROP network to trigger first the render, then the composite

Alternatively, you can also put a button anywhere (I.e promote to your DA ui, any of your COPs) to force a render. Yoy can also use this callback command


Just out of curiosity, what issues are you having with the render COP? It's kinda of nice because it can force a re render.

Hope this helps!
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217 posts
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hi grayOlorin,

thanks for your suggestions with the DA button…
the issue is more basic.

I have a simple scene and I would like to import a rendering directly to cops enviroment without saving it to file…. (for testing purposes)

Is that possible? Or even a commen way to work?

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You'll need to save out the rendered layers, but that can essentially be setup to be more or less transparent.
In the rop network you set your Mantra renders to do what you want, then link a Composite render to your Mantra chain.
The secret is to turn on “Reload all files” which is at the very bottom of the composite renderer.

In your compositor you set up the composite network that you want and mark the node you want to render from.
Each time you render the files will be reloaded and the composite will be rendered as well.
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thanks for the clarity probbins,

And it works now. But it is a little laborious by now.

In regards to grayOlorins more fluid and improved workflow what should a possible Digital Asset should look like? Which parts of this comping pipline would be a good team and should stick together in a DA?

Any suggestions would be great!

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hey sorry for the delayed response… here is an example on how you can use dependency rendering in your digital asset (this will render all the layers and then comp them together)

Note that I was also able to use simple File COPs by adding a post render command to update the COPs in the Mantra nodes

Attachments: (1.4 MB)

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217 posts
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thanks alot for the very good and clear example!!!!
this one should appeare in the help document. Very nice!
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