set value by using function()

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how to set/change the value of any OP parameter (for example : scale,tranlation of xform1) by using expression? in this case , i don't want to type the expression in the input box itself. what i want to do is creating a function that's executed by other event and this function contain some scripts that look probably like this :
set ch(“myOPparam”)= 123;
which i tried and didn't work.

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This is fairly simple as long as you don't want to set keyframes, then it gets a bit more involved.

for example to set the x value in the transform for the object “model” type the following in a textport pane:

opparm /obj/model t (123 0 0)

or for your own param

opparm yourobject/yoursop yourparam (123)

let me know if you need to key frame it too.

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thanx Simon,
i don't want to animate it this time. Is there's any expression that's similar to this hscript (opparm) ?

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Not sure quite what you are asking here, do you want an expression that you put in a channel that evalutates and then removes itself :?
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58 posts
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in my case:
i created a new geo type, in param–> callback , i put a function like this:
`myfunction(xxx)`. ‘myfunction()’ is a custom expression that i created .
in this function, i put some ‘opparm’ by using -execute:
execute(“opparm bla bla”);
so i think it would be simple if there's an expression that can do the same thing like ‘opparm’, which mean i don't have to use ‘execute()’ to call the opparm.

i know i can make a hscript (already did and thanx about that ‘opparm’ anyway) and put it in script directory, but i just want practicing to handle a similar task using expression.

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There's no way. The expression language is generally meant to compute and return values.
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