Very simple dynamics problem

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Hi all,
I'm trying to follow along with a tutorial that was done in H9. I'm currently using H11 as H12 is a bit unstable for me.

Anyway, all I'm trying to do is an RBD Point object simulation.
I have a grid set up as a static object, a sphere which is to be copied to the final object, which is a object merge of the grid with one hundred points scattered over it.
I've attached the scene.

I then deselect everything, click on RBD Point Object, select the scattered point object, hit enter, select the sphere, hit enter and nothing happens.

The rbdpointobject node shows an error saying ‘non_instanced_objects’, ‘invalid source…’

I know it's a super simple scene, but I just don't know what's wrong as I'm very new to Houdini.

Any help would be appreciated.

Attachments: (14.0 KB)

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Sounds like your on the right track. with nothing selected press the rbd points shelf button > select your points > then your object to place on the points. Just in case Ive attached a scene showing workflow for the various nodes.


rbd_pointobj_test.hip (225.4 KB)

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Thanks for the reply circusmonkey.
Unfortunately, I've already tried what you suggest and it does not work.
I've attached a video showing my attempt at doing this and what happens.

Attachments: (4.9 MB)

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Can someone else confirm this at least? Maybe it's a bug or something.
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Go to ground object and delete dopimport node there and then follow the process of creating point rbds. it is working fine in H11.
When you try to create rbd point obj dopimport node in ground obj gives you an error so objmerge node in ground_poins obj will give an error and dosent import geo so no geo to scatter points, so you will get the error you mentioned in your first post.

rbd_H11.hipnc (210.8 KB)

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Thank you!
I changed the object reference in my ground_points object_merge1 node to point to the grid as opposed to the dopimport1 (the node you said to delete).
I'm guessing that created some sort of circular reference in the DOP network?

I must read up on the finer points of DOP networks (any links to tutorials would be appreciated)

Thanks again!
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