Layered Shaders

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Hey guys! I've recently started getting into creating shaders and using VOPS. I've followed enough tutorials to be comfortable with VOP networks and now I want to do something a little more complicated. I'm interested in building layered materials like car paint but I'm not sure how to go about it. Do I just start with one material and edit it with reflections and such or is there a way to mix a lambert and specular material together and edit it that way?

Also, random question but I'm interested in finding more learning materials for houdini and I've heard a lot of good reviews for houdini on the spot and the magic of houdini. Are these still relevant/helpful today or would they be a bit outdated at this point?
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Hey man,

watched a buddy of mine create a car paint shader, here are somethings i learned from him and hopefully they would be helpful to you.

- Mixing up different components like lambert, specular etc is definitely the way to go (use “Add” node put them together)

- Get references and observe how cars' surfaces behave, there's different types. Afew things I know people would take note are different coat of specular, flakes and reflections. (may want to look into “Edge Falloff” node)

- There's a lots of people who had done car-paint shader within and outside of Houdini, you peek into their files which can be found on sidefx/odforce forum and Houdini Exchange. (I peeked at mentalRay's car-paint material and checked out what kind of properties it offered which helped quite abit)

The 2 books you mentioned, I felt most of the things inside are relevant and can still be used but the screen-captures might seem primitive as it was an old version of Houdini. Would recommend Magic of Houdini for beginner/intermediate, Houdini on the spot is more like tips/tricks for advanced users if you ask me. They are without a doubt helpful!

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thanks for the advice! I finally got it to work, all I was missing was the reflection node (go figure =P). The Specular node didn't make much of a difference so I was just wondering what advantages does it have, or how it is typically used and what for?

My next step is to understand refractions. I'm including an image of a final project I'd like to work on, but again, I'm not quite sure how to tackle refractions. Any advice is always welcome and I will be going through tutorials and example files as well.,r:49,s:81,i:27 []
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