Fed up with liscence server issues

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i really love houdini and your work guys at sesi BUT:

every time i try to install houdini it takes me 2 /3/ 4 hours until it works,
i have to try again and again not understanding why it doesn't work.
till magically it decides that now it's ok.
shouldn't i just put my mail and password?
friends of mine have the same issue btw.

probably time to create a new system cause this one is not optimal.

So i have paid AHD licence.
i redeemed my keys on the web
i enter my mail and pass and only 2 licences show, Houdini fx licence is grayed out.
i try to enter manually, of course it tells me that all keys are ok, yet i see only 2 keys in the server.
I try to change from localvalidator to sesintd..then the licence server cannot connect to my computer..everything is grayed out.
I set hkey in admin
I go create new licence, and then the software works, but in free mode
no way i can render HD.
So i decided to re install everything, yet i get the same problem.

i don't know what is the secret recipe for a problem less installation.
i checked the help etc with no result.
I had the same problem on my other machine Saturday.
i have 2 different licences.

any help would be appreciated, especially from people who have issues usually

thank you

PS: 12.5 is amazing guys i love the fast render preview, keep the good work.

grayed-out.jpg (34.3 KB)

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If you are using local licensing mode, you can try copying (backing up) the file C:\Windows\keys\licenses.local and then editing this file to delete the contents (this way file permissions will stay the same allowing hkey to write to it). Then try reinstall all the licenses again from hkey.

Or you can copy-paste the missing keys directly to that file.

There is more info about licensing here:
http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1039&Itemid=273 [sidefx.com]

http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1208&Itemid=273 [sidefx.com]

hope this helps,
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Joined: March 2012
thanks a lot Rafal

i replaced the server key from the hkey file to the server code from the web.
i did work

thanks again, i ll remember next time to directly copy to avoid problems
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Joined: July 2012
Hi sami.tawil,

I have a similar problem, and I am wondering if you could kindly give me more detail about how you fixed the problem.

Many thanks,
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