AO pass problem

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I have a problem with AO pass. I created it using envilight set to AO mode and as solo light to a separate mantra ROP (following Peter Quint tutorial): []

and it does not work. The reason is I have one material SOP with 5 materials applied, and I use overrides there to apply different textures depending on the UV tile (human body, color and displacement maps are there). Now, my problem is that these textures somehow manage to get through into the AO pass (regardless the parameter Disable Surface Shader Rendering being on). I tried adding a parameter called Surface Shader (I think it is general surface shader ovverride for the whole scene), but it does not seem to work right - I had to switch to non PBR mode, but still result are not what I would like them to be. Any idea?
Artur Mandas

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Hi I don't know anything about the tutorial but I can tell you nobody does a separate occlusion pass anymore now we render with PBR . The env light gives you occlusion for free.

If you really want an occlusion pass just refer to my website , there you will find out how to make your own occlusion shader in vops . []

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Any idea?

Are you using PBR to render? If so try switching to ray tracing.
I hope this helps. Good Luck.
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