Challenging animation - how would you approach this?

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Hi all,
I've been trying to come up with a way to animate this []
(ignore the high frequency jiggling movement)

I have also attached a quite amazing MS paint schematic, but basically the animation is this:
  1. Have my DNA object following a curve (probably using the wonderful free tool [])
  2. Other objects (histones) must come in and attach to specific points on that DNA.
  3. It then must coil up, all the while the histone pieces have to remain on exactly the same spot on the DNA.
  4. Finally the whole unit is coiled up nicely.

    I really do not know what way to approach this. I think I somehow need to get the histone pieces to be constrained by / attached to the curve, but I cannot find a way to do this (the rivet node seems way to cumbersome to be useful in this). Also, I cannot use dynamics

    I have attached my current hip file which has the model and correctly coiled curve around the model.

    Any ideas would be most welcome as I'm quite stumped

Attachments: (1.0 MB)
histone.png (25.0 KB)

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I think the link may be dead.
Shortcuts are supposed to be hard, if they were easy then they would just be “The Way”.
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It works here
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Hopefully helpy :-? Maybe you can attach the base geo to bones?

for the last step:
4 Finally the whole unit is coiled up nicely
or between pofiles maybe draw the needed profiles and blend them,
like the edit blend in the example :-?
Edited by - Nov. 3, 2015 15:53:06

bones_from_curve.hip (724.0 KB)
bones_from_curve.hip (754.7 KB)

English is not my native language, sorry in advance for any misunderstanding :-)
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(the rivet node seems way to cumbersome to be useful in this). Also, I cannot use dynamics
Sticky Object, Blend Object and Blend Sticky Object.
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