Getting hidden meshes to not show up in unity

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Hi, I have an OBJ asset which I am loading in unity. This OBJ asset is a subnet containing a few geos, some which are invisible (for processing), and some which are visible (for output). However, I noticed that in unity, when loading this asset, all objects are visible. This is different from the Maya behaviour where hidden objects do not show up

Is there a way to make the unity asset hide meshes which are hidden in Houdini?

thank you!
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Are the hidden OBJ nodes in Unity actually displaying in the Scene view? They will still show up in the Hierarchy view but they should have their MeshRenderer components disabled. Is that not the case?
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Hey Damian, it appears to happen both in game view and scene view. I would be OK with only Game View respecting the setting, but it would be nice if this matched the maya behaviour (and object visibility in Houdini simply was reflected in Unity via the visibility tag)

thank you!
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Please submit a bug to about this with a simple example of a hidden OBJ that you still see in the Scene view. Seems like a bug.
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Hey Damian, thank you, I will try to put one together as soon as possible
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