A doubt about sprite sheets resolutions

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Joined: March 2017
Hello everyone,

I am looking for getting Houdini Indie and start learning how to create and export stuff to Unreal Engine (Sprite Sheets, rigid body dynamics, fluids, etc.).

I just have a doubt before getting the software:

If I am not wrong, Indie version has animations restricted to 1920x1080 but I don't know if it means the same than exporting Sprite Sheets to UE4. I am just wondering if I could create Particle Effects and export them as Sprite Sheets to UE4 with a resolution of 2048x2048.

Maybe the question is very stupid, but if you could answer me I would thank you. I need to know if I will have this restrictions once I start working VFX in UE4 using Sprite Sheets generated from Houdini.

Thank you in advance!

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