Random missing frames with Karma?

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Anyone else getting random frames missing when rendering a sequence with Karma.

Out of 50 frames, I will have to manually re-render two or three frames, because they were never written to disc.

It's hard to tell if they actually rendered, but were not written to disc, or if they were skipped all together.
Werner Ziemerink
Head of 3D
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Sounds like the issue was having where karma quits(crashes) before finishing a frame. Does it spend time on the frame, but less than the other frames? Are you using a lot of pixel samples (more than 128)?
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Yes it actually spends time rendering the frame, or in this case all of them from the sequence, but then randomly
output files are not written out.
I can then manually go to those frames and render current frame, which then creates the output file perfectly fine.

Pixel samples of 128 or higher. It makes no difference.
Edited by Werner Ziemerink - March 11, 2020 08:38:45
Werner Ziemerink
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probably a different issue then. It would never render the frame no matter how many times I try. If the pixel samples were high, then it crashes part way through.
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