UE4 landscape bakes / Bake folder attribute

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Hi all,

I'm having troubles getting the s@unreal_bake_folder Detail attribute to work. I'm using Houdini Engine to import heightfields as landscape actors. I want the LayerInfo assets that UE4 creates to go into the defined folder.

for example I have tried the following paths:
s@unreal_bake_folder= “Content/MyGame/Assets/Terrain/LayerInfos” ;
s@unreal_bake_folder= “Game/MyGame/Assets/Terrain/LayerInfos” ;
s@unreal_bake_folder= “D:/MyUE4Project/Content/MyGame/Assets/Terrain/LayerInfos” ;

also tried backslashes instead of forward.

Although “Game” doesnt exist as a folder in my project I noticed that the HDA when added to my level in UE4 lists the default BakeFolder as /Game/HoudiniEngine/Temp . The Layerinfos do go into this temp folder when the HDA is “live” and not yet baked.

Can anyone tell me whats wrong with the s@unreal_bake_folder I'm defining? As a side note, “Bake to Actors” doesnt not see to do anything, I have to hit the Bake button for the landscape under the Houdini Generated Meshes tab. When baking though none of the contents of the /Game/HoudiniEngine/Temp are copied/moved anywhere.

this is UE 4.25, Houdini Engine version 18.0.499

Sandy Sutherland

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Baking Landscapes is not really supported in version 1 of the plugin, baking only severs the link between the landscape actor and the Houdini Asset Actor/Component. The landscape layer infos still remain in the temp directory.
The bake folder attribute is only supported by Static Meshes.

This will however be properly supported by version 2 of the plugin.
The bake folder attribute will let you choose where the generate layer info objects will be baked
(as well as where the sublevel generated for World Composition, if it is enabled)
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Is there going to be support for landscape splines? They are really useful combined with virtual texturing, but regenerating terrain asset wipes them out completely. I've not found a good solution to that yet. I've only been looking at it for one day to be fair…
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Hi all,

It would be great if you had support for landscape splines.
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