randomizing instances with looped prototipes

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Hey, I have a animtion that i loop for 50 frames using the retime node. I then want to instance that loop onto points and randomize the timing of the loop using the retimeinstance. Is there some way that solaris can access the cache in a loop.

My animation is from frame 1 - 50 and the shot starts a 1001. I dont want to have to cache 1500 frames just to randomize a loop in the instance?

also it seems impossible to use time scale when your cache starts at 1001.
Edited by willh - Nov. 26, 2021 04:10:52
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Joined: Sept. 2020
hi there, did you figure out how to do it? have the same question
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Looping is best handled using Value Clips in USD. Use the Geo Clip Sequence LOP in H20 to (relatively) easily create a value clip with looping animation. Then reference this value clip looping animation as a prototype to use in an Instancer LOP. This will give you a point instancer with all identically timed looping animations. Then use a Retime Instances node to assign different offsets in the animation to each instance.

If your shot goes from 1000-1500, you should be fine to create a looping animation of length 550, then make sure all your offsets generated by the retime instances LOP are in the range (1000, 1050). Of course with value clips, generating a loop that is 1500 or 15000 frames long should be no problem, and won't affect the size of the USD much at all.
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