Export tet mesh

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Created a tet mesh from an organic shape using Tet Embed and was super easy, I have a problem about how exporting it preserving the created solid geometry. This [e1.pcloud.link] is the original mesh.

Exporting as STL or OBJ is preserving the triangles but loose the information about the solids, so that if I import the STL in a mesher such as Gmsh (need to convert the result as.msh) told me there are 0 tetrahedron.
Edited by davide445 - Feb. 16, 2022 05:57:16
AMD Ryzen 5 2600X, 4x16GB 3200 Mhz, Kfa2 GTX 1070 EX 8GB, Windows 10 Pro, KDE Neon
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I'm not aware of any formats that support exporting tets, other than some scientific simulation formats. OBJ and STL formats can only describe surfaces made of polygons.
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Joined: March 2016
I'm not aware of any formats that support exporting tets, other than some scientific simulation formats. OBJ and STL formats can only describe surfaces made of polygons.
It's really a pity.
I'm doing the same work on specialized mesher that require messing around btw scarse or huge documentation, forum, testing to achieve something in Houdini needed just a couple of nodes and 1 min work.
A waste of potential, considering also Houdini has his FEM solver.
I.e. gmsh it's an open source mesher with his own .msh format that I suppose can be used for an exporter in Houdini.
I just needed the developer support to understand how to get out a tet mesh using his far from clean UX.
Edited by davide445 - Feb. 16, 2022 17:27:21
AMD Ryzen 5 2600X, 4x16GB 3200 Mhz, Kfa2 GTX 1070 EX 8GB, Windows 10 Pro, KDE Neon
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