Mark Fraser


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Indie Gamedev


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Houdini Engine


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Could you update Houdini Engine for UE5 Preview 2 please? 2022年4月10日18:14

The Houdini Engine for Unreal Engine 5 plug-in will be available with the daily builds of Houdini starting with build 19.0.581 which includes the new plug-in as part of the Houdini installation package.
Thanks but when I installed it through the launcher it doesn't appear on the top menu like you would expect and didn't show up in the Plugins direcory. I have 19.0.585 installed. Unreal 4.27 and the latest 5.0 (I don't think this is Preview 2 any more as I got the same error message as the fella above when I tried to install the github version using 19.0.561).

Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2 2021年10月14日23:27

Hi there admins, just curious after watching the presentations for Houdini 19 here [], if there will be either a github or in launcher option for Houdini Engine V2 for Unreal Engine 5 Early Access for Houdini 19?

Thanks in advance!!!

Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2 2021年10月2日9:17

Colby Winfield
I don't know why the houdini engine V-2 can't work in UE5. Could any guys can help me?
I'm also having trouble installing the Houdini Engine plugin in UE5. Did you manage to get it working?
You need to have Houdini version 18.5.633 installed. Then use the GitHub version of Houdini Engine V2 for 18.5.633. It worked for me but please follow instructions found here: []

Copied and pasted the message below:

Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2.0.3

Update 3 of the V2 Plugin.
The plug-in is now linked to Houdini 18.5.633 / HAPI 3.6.3.

Documentation for version 2.0 of the plug-in is available: []

Binaries are currently available for UE4.26, UE4.25, UE4.24.

Note: These are manual builds of the plugin, which can sometimes cause issues with windows defender/antivirus.
Also, if the plugin fails to start the Houdini Engine session, you may have to enable a custom Houdini location in the plugin settings and point it to Houdini 18.5.633's bin directory.


Extract and Copy the "HoudiniEngine" folder to:

the "UE4.XX\Engine\Plugins\Runtime" folder for an engine installation.
the "UEPROJECT\Plugins" folder for a project installation (the project is recommended for the UE5 version of the plugin)

I hope this works for you brother.

This worked to the T for me. Thank you!

no more hand placing lights for my scene! MWUAHUWHUahuawhuahuahUWHauhashaaaa

Glad to help hopefully it can be added to the launcher to make it more accessable to users.