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1 //
2 // Copyright 2016 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
27 /// \file usdRender/tokens.h
30 //
31 // This is an automatically generated file (by usdGenSchema.py).
32 // Do not hand-edit!
33 //
36 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
37 #include "pxr/usd/usdRender/api.h"
38 #include "pxr/base/tf/staticData.h"
39 #include "pxr/base/tf/token.h"
40 #include <vector>
45 /// \class UsdRenderTokensType
46 ///
47 /// \link UsdRenderTokens \endlink provides static, efficient
48 /// \link TfToken TfTokens\endlink for use in all public USD API.
49 ///
50 /// These tokens are auto-generated from the module's schema, representing
51 /// property names, for when you need to fetch an attribute or relationship
52 /// directly by name, e.g. UsdPrim::GetAttribute(), in the most efficient
53 /// manner, and allow the compiler to verify that you spelled the name
54 /// correctly.
55 ///
56 /// UsdRenderTokens also contains all of the \em allowedTokens values
57 /// declared for schema builtin attributes of 'token' scene description type.
58 /// Use UsdRenderTokens like so:
59 ///
60 /// \code
61 /// gprim.GetMyTokenValuedAttr().Set(UsdRenderTokens->adjustApertureHeight);
62 /// \endcode
65  /// \brief "adjustApertureHeight"
66  ///
67  /// Possible value for UsdRenderSettingsBase::GetAspectRatioConformPolicyAttr()
69  /// \brief "adjustApertureWidth"
70  ///
71  /// Possible value for UsdRenderSettingsBase::GetAspectRatioConformPolicyAttr()
73  /// \brief "adjustPixelAspectRatio"
74  ///
75  /// Possible value for UsdRenderSettingsBase::GetAspectRatioConformPolicyAttr()
77  /// \brief "aspectRatioConformPolicy"
78  ///
79  /// UsdRenderSettingsBase
81  /// \brief "camera"
82  ///
83  /// UsdRenderSettingsBase
84  const TfToken camera;
85  /// \brief "collection:renderVisibility:includeRoot"
86  ///
87  /// UsdRenderPass
89  /// \brief "color3f"
90  ///
91  /// Fallback value for UsdRenderVar::GetDataTypeAttr()
93  /// \brief "command"
94  ///
95  /// UsdRenderPass
97  /// \brief "cropAperture"
98  ///
99  /// Possible value for UsdRenderSettingsBase::GetAspectRatioConformPolicyAttr()
101  /// \brief "dataType"
102  ///
103  /// UsdRenderVar
105  /// \brief "dataWindowNDC"
106  ///
107  /// UsdRenderSettingsBase
109  /// \brief "denoise:enable"
110  ///
111  /// UsdRenderPass
113  /// \brief "denoise:pass"
114  ///
115  /// UsdRenderPass
117  /// \brief "disableMotionBlur"
118  ///
119  /// UsdRenderSettingsBase
121  /// \brief "expandAperture"
122  ///
123  /// Fallback value for UsdRenderSettingsBase::GetAspectRatioConformPolicyAttr()
125  /// \brief "fileName"
126  ///
127  /// UsdRenderPass
129  /// \brief "full"
130  ///
131  /// Possible value for UsdRenderSettings::GetMaterialBindingPurposesAttr()
132  const TfToken full;
133  /// \brief "includedPurposes"
134  ///
135  /// UsdRenderSettings
137  /// \brief "inputPasses"
138  ///
139  /// UsdRenderPass
141  /// \brief "instantaneousShutter"
142  ///
143  /// UsdRenderSettingsBase
145  /// \brief "intrinsic"
146  ///
147  /// Possible value for UsdRenderVar::GetSourceTypeAttr()
149  /// \brief "lpe"
150  ///
151  /// Possible value for UsdRenderVar::GetSourceTypeAttr()
152  const TfToken lpe;
153  /// \brief "materialBindingPurposes"
154  ///
155  /// UsdRenderSettings
157  /// \brief "orderedVars"
158  ///
159  /// UsdRenderProduct
161  /// \brief "passType"
162  ///
163  /// UsdRenderPass
165  /// \brief "pixelAspectRatio"
166  ///
167  /// UsdRenderSettingsBase
169  /// \brief "preview"
170  ///
171  /// Possible value for UsdRenderSettings::GetMaterialBindingPurposesAttr()
173  /// \brief "primvar"
174  ///
175  /// Possible value for UsdRenderVar::GetSourceTypeAttr()
177  /// \brief "productName"
178  ///
179  /// UsdRenderProduct
181  /// \brief "products"
182  ///
183  /// UsdRenderSettings
185  /// \brief "productType"
186  ///
187  /// UsdRenderProduct
189  /// \brief "raster"
190  ///
191  /// Fallback value for UsdRenderProduct::GetProductTypeAttr(), RenderProduct productType value that indicates a 2D raster image of pixels.
193  /// \brief "raw"
194  ///
195  /// Fallback value for UsdRenderVar::GetSourceTypeAttr()
196  const TfToken raw;
197  /// \brief "renderingColorSpace"
198  ///
199  /// UsdRenderSettings
201  /// \brief "renderSettingsPrimPath"
202  ///
203  /// Stage-level metadata that encodes the path to UsdRenderSettingsPrim to use for rendering.
205  /// \brief "renderSource"
206  ///
207  /// UsdRenderPass
209  /// \brief "renderVisibility"
210  ///
211  /// This token represents the collection name to use with UsdCollectionAPI to represent renderVisibility of a RenderPass prim.
213  /// \brief "resolution"
214  ///
215  /// UsdRenderSettingsBase
217  /// \brief "sourceName"
218  ///
219  /// UsdRenderVar
221  /// \brief "sourceType"
222  ///
223  /// UsdRenderVar
225  /// \brief "RenderDenoisePass"
226  ///
227  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdRenderDenoisePass
229  /// \brief "RenderPass"
230  ///
231  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdRenderPass
233  /// \brief "RenderProduct"
234  ///
235  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdRenderProduct
237  /// \brief "RenderSettings"
238  ///
239  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdRenderSettings
241  /// \brief "RenderSettingsBase"
242  ///
243  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdRenderSettingsBase
245  /// \brief "RenderVar"
246  ///
247  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdRenderVar
249  /// A vector of all of the tokens listed above.
250  const std::vector<TfToken> allTokens;
251 };
253 /// \var UsdRenderTokens
254 ///
255 /// A global variable with static, efficient \link TfToken TfTokens\endlink
256 /// for use in all public USD API. \sa UsdRenderTokensType
261 #endif
const TfToken resolution
Definition: tokens.h:216
const TfToken raster
Definition: tokens.h:192
const TfToken RenderSettings
Definition: tokens.h:240
const TfToken fileName
Definition: tokens.h:128
const TfToken raw
Definition: tokens.h:196
const TfToken primvar
Definition: tokens.h:176
Definition: api.h:40
const TfToken collectionRenderVisibilityIncludeRoot
Definition: tokens.h:88
const TfToken camera
Definition: tokens.h:84
const TfToken full
Definition: tokens.h:132
const TfToken aspectRatioConformPolicy
Definition: tokens.h:80
const TfToken RenderVar
Definition: tokens.h:248
const TfToken lpe
Definition: tokens.h:152
const TfToken includedPurposes
Definition: tokens.h:136
const std::vector< TfToken > allTokens
A vector of all of the tokens listed above.
Definition: tokens.h:250
const TfToken productName
Definition: tokens.h:180
const TfToken renderSettingsPrimPath
Definition: tokens.h:204
const TfToken disableMotionBlur
Definition: tokens.h:120
const TfToken pixelAspectRatio
Definition: tokens.h:168
Definition: token.h:87
const TfToken adjustApertureWidth
Definition: tokens.h:72
const TfToken RenderPass
Definition: tokens.h:232
const TfToken renderSource
Definition: tokens.h:208
const TfToken denoiseEnable
Definition: tokens.h:112
const TfToken renderingColorSpace
Definition: tokens.h:200
const TfToken inputPasses
Definition: tokens.h:140
const TfToken denoisePass
Definition: tokens.h:116
const TfToken sourceType
Definition: tokens.h:224
const TfToken orderedVars
Definition: tokens.h:160
const TfToken passType
Definition: tokens.h:164
const TfToken preview
Definition: tokens.h:172
const TfToken intrinsic
Definition: tokens.h:148
USDRENDER_API UsdRenderTokensType()
const TfToken renderVisibility
Definition: tokens.h:212
const TfToken command
Definition: tokens.h:96
const TfToken adjustPixelAspectRatio
Definition: tokens.h:76
const TfToken instantaneousShutter
Definition: tokens.h:144
const TfToken productType
Definition: tokens.h:188
Definition: path.h:1441
const TfToken dataType
Definition: tokens.h:104
const TfToken color3f
Definition: tokens.h:92
Definition: pxr.h:91
const TfToken adjustApertureHeight
Definition: tokens.h:68
const TfToken materialBindingPurposes
Definition: tokens.h:156
const TfToken RenderProduct
Definition: tokens.h:236
const TfToken dataWindowNDC
Definition: tokens.h:108
const TfToken sourceName
Definition: tokens.h:220
USDRENDER_API TfStaticData< UsdRenderTokensType > UsdRenderTokens
const TfToken RenderSettingsBase
Definition: tokens.h:244
const TfToken RenderDenoisePass
Definition: tokens.h:228
const TfToken cropAperture
Definition: tokens.h:100
const TfToken products
Definition: tokens.h:184
const TfToken expandAperture
Definition: tokens.h:124