Houdini 20.0 Shelf tools

UV Flatten shelf tool

Creates flattened pieces in texture space from 3D geometry.

Using UV Flatten

  1. Select the primitives (faces) you want to add UV coordinates to.

  2. Click the UV Flatten tool on the Texture tab.

  3. Select the edges to use as seams, and press Enter to confirm your selection.


In the viewer, press Space + 5 to switch to “UV Viewport” to see the flattened texture pieces.


To draw the default pins when the tool is active, set the node to export an Active Pin Group.

To...Do this

Move a pin

Click the “Manipulate pins” button in the toolbar. Select a pin or multiple pins to move, and drag.

Add a pin

Click the “Pin vertices” button in the toolbar. Select the vertex or vertices you want to pin and press Enter.

To...Do this

Delete a pin

Click the “Manipulate pins” button in the toolbar. select the pin and press Delete.

Cut an edge

Click the “Cut edges” button in the toolbar, select the edges, and press Enter to confirm the selection.

To...Do this

Visualize distortions

Right-click the Visualization icon on the right side of the viewport and select UV Distortions. This will shade your geometry red when it is stretched and blue when it is squeezed.


Once your texture pieces are unwrapped, you can use the UV Layout node to change the packing of the pieces.

For specific parameter help see the UV Flatten node help.

See also

Shelf tools

Using the shelf

  • Customize the shelf

    How to change the look of the shelf, change and rearrange its contents, and create your own shelf tools.
