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Full Version: SOP Tangent from the exchange
Root » Houdini Lounge » SOP Tangent from the exchange
I am using 9.0.794 and it looks like it is broken. Is it me? or is it really broken?

It is broken due to a change in the Add Attribute VOP. You can fix it yourself if you want.

RMB on the SOP, select “Allow Editing of Contents” and jump in. Look for the build_tangent VOPNET, jump in, select the addattrib__tangent & addattrib__radial VOPs. Change the Type Modifier from “None” to “Vector Data” and the SOP should work as expected again.

I don't know whether to classify this as a bug or compatibility issue. I guess it's an easy fix if you know where to look.

Cheers Steven!
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