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Full Version: Metaballs/Copy SOP - Jagged mesh
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Metaballs/Copy SOP - Jagged mesh
I'm adding metaballs to resampled curve points (using copy sop) and I'm getting some jagged meshes when rendering. I tried adding more points to the curve, converting to vdb and smoothing there, but even using very small voxel size, I can't seem to get rid of it.

Any hint on what could be causing this?

If you don't absolutely need it to be metaballs, you could use PolyWire on the curve.
Thanks Neil,
I was overthinking this a bit; Polywire works great for what I'm doing.

I still think there must be a way to avoid the small artifacts on the mesh though (I could use polywire, then convert to vdb to do some vdbcombine and then back to polygons will cause visible patterns).
In case you are stuck with still using metaballs.. I tried tweaking your resample (addmorepoints) to add even more points to the curve. I also set it to Subdivision Curves.. It seems to have smoothened it out.
Thanks, I went the polywire way. It is faster and I don't need many points.

Also, it works better with cookie sop (I'm lucky)
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