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Full Version: Reducing meshes in the engine messes up UV mapping [FIXED]
Root » Houdini Engine for Unity » Reducing meshes in the engine messes up UV mapping [FIXED]

I'm using the Houdini engine in Unity to instatiate assets with different poly counts.

I'm using a parameter from the poly reduce node to get more or less high defition meshes.
I run into trouble when adding some UV mapping - remeshing the models messes them up.
I tried to export digital assets with the UV related nodes before and after the poly reduce ones without any success.

I'm using UV texture + UV quickshade to create and visualise the uvs.

Any suggestion on how to proceed to be able to reduce the models in the engine and keep clean uvs?

There's an example from another user here: []
There's an example from another user here: []

thanks! It doesn't really respond to my problem though, because the trouble I have is not within houdini itself but with the digital assets in the houdini engine for unity

I found a way to make it work easily in Unity though: you can just set the texture type as a parameter and choose either “perspective from camera” or “modify source”
Both don't give absolutely perfect results after poly reduce but still work pretty good

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