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Full Version: rotate to template normal
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i attach a hip file.

there is a circle and boxes that's created using copy SOP.
in the copy SOP i turn on the ‘rotate to template normal’ parameter so it will follow the orientation of the point normal.
in viewer there is a handel that's persistent. so when i drag this handle in y direction up or down , the normal will follow , but some of the boxes is rotating in wrong direction.
so i want all these boxes to rotate ‘inside’ to follow the normal.

another question: when create a curve SOP, how to reorder/reverse the point number?

pls help.

another question: when create a curve SOP, how to reorder/reverse the point number?

If you want to reverse the point numbers then use the Sort SOP. If you want to reverse the vertex ordering then use the Reverse SOP.
there is a circle and boxes that's created using copy SOP.
in the copy SOP i turn on the ‘rotate to template normal’ parameter so it will follow the orientation of the point normal.
in viewer there is a handel that's persistent. so when i drag this handle in y direction up or down , the normal will follow , but some of the boxes is rotating in wrong direction.
so i want all these boxes to rotate ‘inside’ to follow the normal.

On your Point SOP, on the Particle Tab, add an Up Vector of (0,1,0). That will give your Copy SOP a frame of reference which will keep the objects from spinning all over the place.
that's really cool. thanx alot.
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