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Hey all!

I was wondering why there is no Opengl Rop to use with Top!
You should include it since 17.5 has got nice viewport improvements!!
Hi – you can do this by using a ROP Fetch node that points at a ROP network with an OpenGL node in it.
yes that's what I did! but why just not include it

thanks brandon, cheers!!
Awesome! Please submit RFEs for anything you'd like to see in TOPs! Thanks Paolo!
James Rowe
Do u guys know how to use a wedge variable this way? tried the @wedgeindex and old $WEDGENUM in the opengl ROP output path but its not getting picked up
James Rowe
ah you gotta tick Export To Environment and the attributes become environment variables…ex. your wedge attribute x and output path in ROP $HIP/$x.png
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