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Hi, I wanted to experiment a little bit with karma and though I could make a simple toon shader but I can't figure out how to get a simple lambert color output to use as emission. as it the way to do with mantra

is there any materialX node that would give me the value I need ?

Thanks for the help.
Bump to this. I'm interested in knowing if there's any plan to bring non-photorealistic shading to Karma.
+1 I need it too.
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Hi, I wanted to experiment a little bit with karma and though I could make a simple toon shader but I can't figure out how to get a simple lambert color output to use as emission. as it the way to do with mantra

is there any materialX node that would give me the value I need ?

Thanks for the help.

Use dot product node with world geometry normal and light direction (entered manually as three numbers in world space)
good workaround ⬆️, but will fail with shadows sadly (simple example - ear shadow on the head, etc)
good workaround ⬆️, but will fail with shadows sadly (simple example - ear shadow on the head, etc)
yeah, no way to do shadows without ray tracing. Maybe do depthmap shadows?
Yes Rohan's tests are great, buying that! Also there is the fresnel nodes that do the normal/incidence thing. I'll be checking out what's there in vray, blender and renderman too. Style transfer might also be usable as a component, there is a copycat model in nuke that does that.
Just bumping this, I absolutely want to use Karma and LOPs for rendering some projects but unable to work out just how to get karma to do what I want. Was thinking of baking a simple diffuse shader into a texture and sample that in the shader. It's effectively what I would do for a toon shader in say Blender to then use to create banding, but its not exactly realistic as a scene gets anything other than small. Im going to keep looking, but wish I knew more about shading :S
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