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Root » Mardini 2023 » Iron Heart Winners
So many things learned once agaiin, took the first steps with Karma, cut quite a few corners but such is time nowadays.

Congratulations everyone, stunning works!
What a month it has been! My first Mardini, managed to do each days on time, that was tough, but it was super cool!
Lot of great creations from everyone, well done!

We did it! Congratulations everyone!

It was a very beautiful experience. It's impressive to see people's creativity to create amazing artworks within tight deadline. Congrats everyone for the amazing renders.

This was my second attempt for Mardini and the first time to complete all challenges.
Wooh, that was tough! my first Mardini.

It was a great experience. Every day, I learned new stuff! It was really amazing.
Sure, the next Mardini won't be the same. I will be waiting for it "just after some rest, haha"! XD.

Thanks to everyone who participated with the wonderful inspirational artworks. You guys rock! A special thanks to SideFX for making this happen ^^
That was challenging month.
I'm happy that I managed to participate and complete.
It was exciting to see all the exceptional works.
Congrats to everyone and thanks to SideFX and Robert.
I have nothing to say
The official end. Really cool to see the whole months progress in one place, what a wild ride. Congrats to everyone!
Furuya Takumi
My third Mardini & Ironheart.
Like every year, it was a hard but rewarding month!
Thanks to everyone who completed the race togeteher

See you next time!
What a month! This is definitely a challenge. Thank you for this opportunity SideFx ! I love this Houdini community!
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Thank you for a wonderful month!
It was hard work, but I am grateful for what we accomplished together!!
I learned so much about Solaris, Karma, and MaterialX this month. Looking forwards to doing this again next year.
I didn`t have a PC so I went to the library every day. It was hard work, but a good experience. Thanks!!!!
Look how far we've come
2nd Mardini completed, very glad to see an improvement from last year's.
Like last year, this marathon has taught me so much, especially in COPs and Redshift, which I'd never tried before. Can't wait to see what the next one will have in stock and how I'll have progressed until then.

Congrats to everyone and see ya next year !

Finally, the month is over!
I learned some techniques that I wouldn't have picked up without this opportunity. Thanks to all the participants!
Thanks SideFX for this years Mardini! I had a lot of fun and it was a great challenge and learning experience. Congratulations to everyone who participated! Cheers
I had a lot of fun. And it is good to see so much fantastic work! Thank you very much.

Congrats to everyone who made it to the end! I finally did as well
I got behind at a certain moment and sadly haven't been able to catch up to post every daily prompt in time to participate for each day. But all are done now...
In general I'm quite satisfied with my submissions.
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