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Root » Mardini 2023 » Iron Heart Winners
fellow Iron Hearts! that sounds so good! Congratulations!! I feel like I am part of an elite group, and I plan on being a lifelong member. Mardini2024 - cannot wait += wouldn't it be awesome to do this every month??!
What a month! Im happy to see so many talented people participating and Im blown away by the amount of creative output! I Enjoyed it a lot to see all the different entries every day. Cheers to everyone!
Thanks everyone!
That was fun and refreshing.
Looking forward to the new challenges!
Congratulations everyone!

And with this it's wraped up until next year! Congratulations everyone for finishing! It's incredible what everybody accomplish and I'm amazed with the complexity of peoples work Let's hope on the next one I can be a challenger as well :P
It's my first Marudini.
Thanks to SideFX.
Thanks to Sato-san from SideFX_jp.
And all Houdinist.
May the Force be with you.
Whew, finally done with the event!
2nd time joining in~ it was well worth burning the midnight oil
Looking forward to another one for next year!
Congratulations everyone! ^_^
Finally done!
Such a crazy month...
I loved it.
Wow, that was close (as were most of my daily submissions)! Thank you Robert for hosting this challenge! It has been a great experience, there's no other way I would have forced myself to generate 31 personal side projects in a month. And it's been so inspiring seeing everyone else's art. I learned a lot of useful Houdini productivity hacks, and even more about myself
What a month! Sad I missed out on some of the daily submissions but I'm happy to finish Iron Heart in time.
The timing was quite rough in Vancouver. With submission deadlines being at 9pm there was often little time to polish after work and commute! I didn't want to "work ahead" of the daily schedule as I wanted to challenge myself with each prompt daily
Very inspiring submissions from everyone! Thanks to SideFX for hosting!
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