Houdini Crashes Quite Often

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Hi All,

As a new user, I am experiencing a lot of Houdini crashing. Is this normal? I am using one of the Daily Builds.
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I always have had random crashes (not just Houdini but most 3d apps as well) such is life in 3d.
I typically use the autosave function set to 10 minutes and incrementing file number each time.
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what version, what OS, and most importantly what video card and driver version?

I use Houdini at work and at home, 2 different OSs/video cards/drivers, and I only crash when I'm doing something crazy or when I encounter a genuine bug…
you shouldn't be crashing AT ALL in normal use.

please answer the above questions and describe what you're doing and maybe upload a hip file so we and SESI can see whats going on.
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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I am using Windows XP64 with a nVIDIA gtx460 driver 295.73 with Houdini 12.1.77 (from daily build).

I was following along Peter Quint's tutorial here. https://vimeo.com/6931106 [vimeo.com]

I realized I had created my CHOP at the wrong level. I had created it inside a popnet. But I think I needed to create it at the obj level. So I hit CTRL-X to cut it to the clip board then I moved up to the OBJ level. I tried paste via CTRL-V but that did not work. So I kept diving down into various nodes and trying paste and none of them would work except at the popnet level. I re-pasted it at that level and right clicked to create a reference copy. I thought I was copying it as a reference to the clipboard but in reality I was making a copy at the same level which is not what I wanted. So I deleted the reference copy and boom Houdini crashed.

I think somewhere in my series of copy/paste Houdini got confused and when I deleted the reference copy it was pointing to some other pasted item that no longer existed. I don't think this is a video driver bug.

As I type this I am trying to re-create the crash and I can't. It may be related to other steps I did in the above mentioned tutorial as well.
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Well I get them regularly, even the simplest things.

For me it's:

Win 7 x64
Nvidia 470 GTX, driver: 301.42
I7 980x
16GB ram

This has been happening way before H12 was out, and over more than 1 machine, and I don't use GPU processing either, as my card only has 1GB of dedicated memory.

I will attach an image of my $TEMP folder where my crash-saves are located, and you can see by the dates that it's quite regular. My files are not really heavy in anyway. Most are just minor things to pass time whilst I'm doing something else (like whilst my laptop is busy, I faff about on my desktop and vice-versa).

I will attach a couple of .hipnc files from the $TEMP directory for you to look over.

One is a re-sampled curve emitting particles. Low particle count, a couple of nodes thats it.
One is a box, with some divisions with divide node running to a subdivide, and 2 bone…bone chain.
One has quite a few things going on and it crashed mid solve (RBD+pyro sim, so you might want to hit escape upon opening to stop the sim calculating (the 3524.hip))

Feel free to have a poke around, and if I'm guilty of stupidity (which has been known before), then let me know.

crash_save_files.jpg (188.6 KB)
Glenn.5472.hip (97.3 KB)
Glenn.5184.hip (107.4 KB)
Glenn.4508.hip (62.6 KB)
Glenn.3524.hip (1.3 MB)
gfx_details.jpg (175.2 KB)

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