How to select all linked faces

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I've been trying to find it out for some time without success answers to some - very basic - poly modeling questions. I'd be grateful for some help with the following:
(1) how can I select all linked faces within a geometry, and only the linked faces? I found a clumsy way: select a face, and then keep growing selection, but that is far from efficient.
(2) how can I move a geometry SOP between two geometry objects? Say I want to move that torus I accidentally created as separate object into another object.
(3) I know it's counter-procedural, but how can I merge all SOPs in a polygonal object into one node? The only way I found is by exporting the geometry into a non-procedural format and importing it again.

My questions come from trying to deal with imported geometry - precisely the most recent cg lighting challenge entry, which has the whole scene, with plenty of objects in a single obj or bgeo file.

Thanks for all help,
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(1) how can I select all linked faces within a geometry, and only the linked faces? I found a clumsy way: select a face, and then keep growing selection, but that is far from efficient.
The hotkey seems to have changed. If you press 0, you can select all connected geometry

(2) how can I move a geometry SOP between two geometry objects? Say I want to move that torus I accidentally created as separate object into another object.
You may copy and paste the sops from one network to the other. If you've done object level stuff that you need to keep, you can also select the two objects and use the shelf (Modify->Combine)

(3) I know it's counter-procedural, but how can I merge all SOPs in a polygonal object into one node? The only way I found is by exporting the geometry into a non-procedural format and importing it again.
You may either cache to disk, or simply lock the node (there are four flags on a sop, left most bypasses, the next one locks, then the icon for the node, then the footprint/template flag, and the render/display flag. Locking the node will prevent anything upstream in your network from cooking.
Stephen Tucker
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if you're talking about “The King's Treasure”
the bgeo file should have groups for each of the different elements (I converted the geometry to bgeo for the challenge).

to bring a bit of geometry into it's own object you can use the object merge SOP and the specify the group.

hope that helps
Michael Goldfarb |
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Thanks Allegro & Arctor,

That's what I have been looking for. And yes, I meant the King's Treasure one.

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I haven't seen the file, but I imagine that you can also use the Connectivity together with the Partition SOP in order to extract groups based on their primitives being welded together.

After you've done that, just use an object merge sop, inside separate Geometry objects, to work the different parts on their own.

I added a file of how to do it, let me know if it works for you, ok?



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