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Hi, I'm following the masterclass tutorials and I'm doing the candle holder at the end of M02. When I try to do a boolean effect the way the narrator does it, mine has a different result. I have a sphere that was cutout and the boolean is treating it like it's solid all the way through instead of like a cup how I have it. The cylinders are supposed to be cut away and leave holes in the cup like sphere. Any ideas? Here's the hip file. Thanks!

candle_holder.hipnc (65.0 KB)

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Hi there!

First, you cookie is set to Union, ofcourse you know this.. but it is suppose to be at A minus B.. what you should see now is that your boolean extruded a hole inwards this is not what you want..

One thing I noticed was that your tubes are all intersecting eachother, first resolve this by moving the center in Z by -2.6 (thats what I used).

The reason why you get more of a extruded effect is because object A is not a closed object, you've extruded it, but it does not have a thickness because you forgot to check the box “output back”, when you check the box you should have a thickness in object A.

I hope this helps!
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Yeah, I forgot to change the cookie option before uploading. The output back was exactly the problem! Thank you!
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