Siggie Meeting 2004?

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Anyone? Bueller?

Enquiring minds want to know…any neat announcements?

C'mon attendees, we *know* you all have inet access there…


John Coldrick
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Hi John,

Just got to the convertion center, frickin' LA traffic!!!

The SESI was cool, missed a small portion of the meeting though.

Some news:

1) The HDK will be bundled with Houdini after H7 !!!! Yea!!!
2) DOPs: Dynamic operators. First look at the new dynamics engine. Cloth and new RBD will be released in ‘05, fluids, and other dynamics soon after.
3) New POP operator, attribute transfer, just about the same as the SOP

That’s all I can remember at this time, I know there's more, but haven't had morning caffiene yet …

Over -n- Out!

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Yee-hah! I noticed you said *after* H7 - I guess that means 7.1 or whatever, but not v7 itself? Naww, that wouldn't make sense…

Been hearing rumours about DOPs, very curious how that plays out…

Cheers Mark - and have fun!

John Coldrick
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Hey John,

Robert Magee demostrated the Character Tools, the new Channel lister and Takes.

Cristin showed the Scatter SOP/Point Cloud combo for subsurface scattering. He also showed Scatter, Comp, Paint SOPs combo for generating fur.

Of course, SESI saved the best for last: DOPs. They showed RBD & Cloth. They also have a video of RBD interacting with cloth. Blue spheres rolling down a piece of cloth to another, both cloth pieces reacting to the spheres which causes the spheres to slow down, bounce, change direction etc & this being Houdini, the spheres transfer their colour attribute to the cloth as they are interacting so parts of both pieces of cloth are blue as well. Simply awesome!

Escape is officially launched & Select customers get a free upgrade. The HDK might just make it with H7. Fingers crossed.

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yep - a very good show…
the scatter/subsurface scattering demo was really fantastic…and DOPs look really cool - I'm glad SESI is doing them long term - not rushed to add a bunch of broken tools to the feature list…
Michael Goldfarb |
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but did they mention OSX?
or did they just laugh..?
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I think you've got SESI wrong - I doubt there's many(if any) people there that would laugh at the notion. Just the opposite. However, it's a business decision, not a popularity contest…and with many pundits declaring that before this year is out, Linux *on the desktop, not the servers* will outperform sales of OSX, that doesn't bode well. Some say it's already happened. Of course, those are fuzzy numbers.

I doubt it was announced at the meeting - that's a pretty major announcement and I woud think someone would have posted it by now.

But don't blame SESI over this. In fact, I'm a well-known disser of OSX, and on more than one occasion I've had my knuckles playfully rapped by a SESI staffer saying “Yah know, Coldrick, people were dissing Linux years ago just like you're dissing OX now”.

I think part of the problem is that if they had some inkling that significantly large companies were thinking of going OSX(like the big shops alluded to years ago about Linux), then they'd consider it. I doubt this is going to happen, though…larger companies are weary of the notion of implementing new OSes…they just got Linux done, and are still doing it. It's not likely to happen IMHO. I noticed Pixar was organizing a linux birds of a feather meeting this year - they want to discuss wacky ideas like all the various vendors getting together and perhaps hacking up an FX-specific distro of Linux. I doubt that would happen(that's a *big* job!), but it's nice to see.

Anyway, just IMHO, yadda yadda…


John Coldrick
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I can dream.

I'm not looking for a OS war. I know if Houdini ran on OSX, I know where my next purchase would be for hardware.
I always thought if they wanted to make a shake killer, they would release on OSX and go to town. But I guess until they put a tracker into COPSII we will have to wait. ( yes I'm baiting you John)
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id consider a mac laptop for sure, but you need money to burn to get a mac desktop
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Hey Sesi how about posting the movie of the cloth sim stuff, for us poor souls who couldn't get to Siggie 8)
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Hey Sesi how about posting the movie of the cloth sim stuff, for us poor souls who couldn't get to Siggie

Yes PLEASE !!!!!
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