Convert Point Group into a Curve?

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Wow I didn't expect this to be so hard. I have a edge loop of points selected. Now I want to take that grouping and convert it into a curve. Heck, it can be turned into a polygon for all I care. I just can't seem to do anything with it. I feel like it shouldn't be this hard to do
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When I have a selection that I want to isolate for a further purpose I will click on the Delete icon in the tool shelf. This will drop down a Blast node with a series of numbers in the group. Those numbers are your selection.

What I do is select all those numbers, CTRL-A and copy them to the clip board. Delete the Blast node. Then I drop down a Delete node and paste those numbers into the group field of the Delete. The Delete node has the option to delete the numbers in the group or the inverse which is called non-selected.

After deleting the non-selected you now have your selection as a branch that you can further process. You could then drop down a Convert node and which can convert from various types to various types.
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here is a way how you can go about doing so (and you can wrap this up into a digital asset)

there are a few notes in the hip file explaining what I did

let me know if you have any questions!

curveFromSel.hiplc (235.0 KB)

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