Roadmap / changelogs update (still waiting)

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I watch the development of houdini in connection with Unity. I'm a little troubled by the lack of work given to Houdini Engine for Unity. The latest log is from "Thu. January 13, 2022". No fix, no improvement since. If I compare with the effort put into the plugin for the Unreal plugin, it's almost shocking. Is there a team dedicated to the Unity plugin, or is everyone working on the Unreal one. With each update I hope that the bugs of the plugin are fixed or that new functionality is added, but nothing.

When we send the bugs to the report system, we are told that it will be done, maybe one day... after several months still nothing. Seriously it is disappointing to pay a license for so little development effort.

I would like to see if a Houdini staff will come and sell me the merits of Houdini and the efforts made to the Unity plugin. Because currently, I have nothing good to sell on the reputation of the software/plugin.
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I go back to my last message, and again, the bugs are still there, no fix, no update, really disappointing.

Only 4 small fix in 8 month: []
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I do feel that Unreal gets more updates compare to Unity.
I too use Unity and Houdini. I love using Houdini to help me build my project but some big issues are still present that really need to be adressed.


Material path lost when we change a material location and recook an HDA. The link should not be broken, its should keep the material file ID instead of the path so it would not break the material link to the HDA.

Updating a prefab using the HDA Bake update not working because some mesh link broken during the bake update. (Support Ticket: #116699)(February 3th 2022). More than one year since I message support about this bug.

Not being able to automatically paint hole on a Unity Terrain using a HDA mask. I made a request about this April 9th 2022 and I still do not see any news about this feature. (RFE #120687)

I would really like to be able to promote Houdini more to Unity user but the inequallity of updates comparet Unity and Unreal really makes it hard to promote.

Helping to fix more bugs between Unity and Houdini, would help Unity user to promotote your tool and to get you more clients.
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Unreal is getting all the love, while the Unity community is left behind - That's really what it feels like.

We're not looking for groundbreaking innovation from the team, we just want to get good updates, fair and square.

Such update could bring great QOL overall, and ease any development done with Houdini & Unity.

Please, do consider working on hotfixes.
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Totally agree.

I've submitted a bug report about a critical issue (basically making Unity terrain with multiple layers unusable for any version after 19.5.303) and asked about if there is any ETA for a fix. The response was something like "It's up to the devs if they want to fix it and when".
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I'm getting similar vibes from the Unity plugin. It's in such a buggy state I had to revert to using Houdini Engine inside of Maya, which is a shame, as it would be much nicer doing things directly in Unity. It has less features, but at least it doesn't have a 40% chance of randomly breaking anytime something needs to be updated.
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Same problem, got a lot of problems with Unity and Houdini Engine and had to switch to FBX pipeline, one of strange things is a flat hierarchy of transforms, I have no control over objects hierarchy from Houdini to Unity.
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