COP: how to convert images to frequency domain?

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I'm trying to convert an image to frequency domain (like this []). However, I can't find a COP node that does Fast Fourier Transform. The closest thing seems to be Volume FFT [], but I don't know how to use it in COP context, or is there a better way to convert images to frequency domain?
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You can make a Python COP asset and then get fft via numpy. I tried it myself but ran into a problem with getting the right resolution (it seems to default to 128 for some reason). Anyway, here's the buggy code and maybe it gets you started.

import array
import inlinecpp
import numpy as np

def output_planes_to_cook(cop_node):
    # This sample only modifies the color plane.
    return ("C",)

def required_input_planes(cop_node, output_plane):
    # This sample requires the color and alpha planes from the first input.
    if output_plane == "C":
        return ("0", "C", "0", "A")
    return ()

def cook(cop_node, plane, resolution):
    assert(plane == "C")
    input = cop_node.inputs()[0]
    xres = input.xRes()
    yres = input.yRes()
    # Get the color plane as an array.
    color = array.array("f", input.allPixelsAsString("C"))

    # Convert the color array into a NumPy array and reshape it into an image.
    np_color = np.array(color).reshape((xres, yres, 3))
    # Separate the R, G, and B channels.
    r_channel = np_color[:, :, 0]
    g_channel = np_color[:, :, 1]
    b_channel = np_color[:, :, 2]

    # Perform an FFT on each channel.
    r_fft = np.fft.fft2(r_channel)
    g_fft = np.fft.fft2(g_channel)
    b_fft = np.fft.fft2(b_channel)

    # Combine the channels back into one array.
    fft_color = np.stack((r_fft, g_fft, b_fft), axis=-1)

    # Flatten the array and convert it back to a Python array.
    fft_color_flat = fft_color.flatten()
    color = array.array("f", fft_color_flat.real)  # Use .real to get the real part of the complex numbers.

    # Set the pixels of the cooking plane with the FFT data.
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