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UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual > Class Template Reference

#include <UT_ArraySet.h>

Inherited by UT::ArrayMap< const GEO_Detail *, BVH * >, UT::ArrayMap< const GU_PackedImpl *, GEO_Detail * >, UT::ArrayMap< const void *, exint >, UT::ArrayMap< exint, SharedPrimGroup >, UT::ArrayMap< FBX_NodeID, UT_StringHolder >, UT::ArrayMap< GA_DictIndexType, exint >, UT::ArrayMap< GA_GlobalIntrinsic, int >, UT::ArrayMap< GA_StringIndexType, exint >, UT::ArrayMap< GU_PolyWire::EdgeData * >, UT::ArrayMap< guBreakPoint * >, UT::ArrayMap< int, fpreal >, UT::ArrayMap< int, int >, UT::ArrayMap< int, PDG_WorkItem * >, UT::ArrayMap< int, PDG_WorkItemIDSet >, UT::ArrayMap< int, RE_OGLFramebuffer * >, UT::ArrayMap< int, UT_Array< ErrorInfo > >, UT::ArrayMap< int, UT_Array< int > >, UT::ArrayMap< int64, UT_StringHolder >, UT::ArrayMap< OP_ConnectorId, OP_Input * >, UT::ArrayMap< OP_ConnectorId, OP_Output * >, UT::ArrayMap< PDG_Node *, PDG_WorkItemConstArray >, UT::ArrayMap< PDG_NodeID, PDG_Node * >, UT::ArrayMap< PDG_WorkItemID, const PDG_WorkItem * >, UT::ArrayMap< PDG_WorkItemID, PDG_WorkItem * >, UT::ArrayMap< PDG_WorkItemID, PDG_WorkItemArray >, UT::ArrayMap< PDG_WorkItemID, PDG_WorkItemIDSet >, UT::ArrayMap< PDG_WorkItemID, UT_StringArray >, UT::ArrayMap< PDGE_Dependency *, PDGE_Dependency * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_OptionsHolder, GA_DictIndexType >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, CH_Channel * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, CL_Track * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, const FONT_Info * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, DATA_TYPE >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, exint >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, FBX_NodeID >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, fpreal >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, FS_Section * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, GA_AttributeProxy * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, GA_DataId >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, GA_Group * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, ga_IntrinsicAttribute * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, GA_PrimitiveDefinition * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, GA_Size >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, GA_StringIndexType >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, GU_PackedFolders::FileInfo >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, GU_PackedFoldersRO::FileInfo >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, HolderPtr >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, int >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, ITEM_T >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, JointInfo >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, PDG_CacheID >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, PDG_NodePtr >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, PDG_WorkItem * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, PDG_WorkItemIDSet >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, PDGT_Value >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, PortPtr >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, prm_SharedString >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, RE_OGLBufferHandle >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, std::pair< int, int > >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, STY_Result >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, STY_ResultMap >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, TargetAttribInfo >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, UnusedBuffer * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, UT_ArrayStringSet >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, UT_IStream * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, UT_JSONValue * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, UT_OptionEntryPtr >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, UT_SCFReader * >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, UT_StringArray >, UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, UT_StringHolder >, and UT::ArrayMap< UT_StringHolder, UT_UniquePtr< op_OpPrecedenceList > >.


class  const_iterator
class  iterator_t
 Set iterator class. More...

Public Types

typedef ArraySet< Key, MULTI,
MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer,
Hash, KeyEqual > 
typedef Key key_type
typedef Key value_type
typedef std::size_t size_type
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type
typedef Hash hasher
typedef KeyEqual key_equal
typedef value_typereference
typedef const value_typeconst_reference
typedef value_typepointer
typedef const value_typeconst_pointer
typedef Clearer clearer_type
typedef iterator_t< false > iterator
 Iterator type for iterating over non-constant elements. More...

Public Member Functions

 ArraySet ()
 ArraySet (size_type init_bucket_count)
 ArraySet (set_type &&that)
 Move constructor, destroying the source. More...
 ArraySet (const set_type &that)
template<typename INPUT_ITERATOR >
 ArraySet (INPUT_ITERATOR start_input, INPUT_ITERATOR end_input, size_type init_bucket_count=0)
 Inserts all of the items in the range [start_input,end_input). More...
 ArraySet (std::initializer_list< value_type > init, size_type init_bucket_count=0)
set_typeoperator= (const set_type &that)
set_typeoperator= (std::initializer_list< value_type > init)
set_typeoperator= (set_type &&that)
bool operator== (const set_type &that) const
bool operator!= (const set_type &that) const
void swap (set_type &that)
 Swaps another set with this one. More...
 ~ArraySet ()
bool empty () const
 Returns true iff there are no items in the set. More...
size_type size () const
 Returns the number of items in the set. More...
void clear ()
void destroy ()
 Removes all items from the set and frees all the memory. More...
size_type bucket_count () const
 Returns the current number of buckets. More...
size_type bucket_size (size_type i) const
float load_factor () const
 Returns the current portion of buckets that are occupied. More...
void rehash (size_type new_num_buckets)
void reserve (size_type num_items)
void setNumBuckets (size_type new_num_buckets)
void bumpNumBuckets (size_type new_num_items)
iterator begin ()
 Returns a non-const iterator for the beginning of the set. More...
const_iterator cbegin () const
 Returns a const iterator for the beginning of the set. More...
const_iterator begin () const
 Returns a const iterator for the beginning of the set. More...
iterator end ()
 Returns a non-const end iterator for the set. More...
const_iterator cend () const
 Returns a const end iterator for the set. More...
const_iterator end () const
 Returns a const end iterator for the set. More...
size_type count (const Key &key) const
bool contains (const Key &key) const
template<typename INPUT_ITERATOR >
void insert (INPUT_ITERATOR start_input, INPUT_ITERATOR end_input)
 Inserts all of the items in the range [start_input,end_input). More...
void insert (std::initializer_list< value_type > list)
 Inserts all of the items from the initializer_list. More...
template<typename... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > emplace (Args &&...args)
iterator erase (iterator iter)
size_type erase (const Key &key)
int64 getMemoryUsage (bool inclusive) const
template<typename FUNCTOR >
SYS_FORCE_INLINE void forEach (FUNCTOR &&functor) const
iterator find (const Key &key)
const_iterator find (const Key &key) const
std::pair< const_iterator,
equal_range (const Key &key) const
std::pair< iterator, iteratorequal_range (const Key &key)
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (const value_type &value)
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (value_type &&value)

Static Public Member Functions

static size_type max_size ()
static size_type max_bucket_count ()
static float max_load_factor ()
static hasher hash_function ()
static key_equal key_eq ()

Protected Member Functions

pointer searchStart (const Key &key)
const_pointer searchStart (const Key &key) const
template<bool fail_on_equal = !MULTI, bool check_realloc = true>
bool insertHelper (pointer pstart, size_type nbuckets, const value_type &value, pointer &destp)

Static Protected Member Functions

static size_type minBuckets (size_type size)

Protected Attributes

pointer myBuckets
size_type myNumBuckets

Detailed Description

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
class UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >

This is close to a drop-in replacement for std::unordered_set, except that it uses a single array of items and empty spaces marked with a dedicated "clear" value. It also has a fixed maximum load factor, and doesn't store a hasher, comparator, or allocator object as member data, avoiding unnecessary overhead, but these differences introduce some interface incompatibilities.

The incompatibility that will probably be encountered most often is the lack of time guarantees. This structure is more efficient in many common cases, due to better memory coherency and fewer memory allocations, but cannot guarantee as good time scaling in worst or even average case as std::unordered_set guarantees for most functions.

Because there is only space for one item in each bucket, if a collision is hit on insertion, the structure will scan forward until a "clear" bucket is found. However, items in a contiguous block will always be sorted in the order of their ideal bucket numbers. If the end of the array is reached without finding a clear bucket, instead of the obvious approach of wrapping to the beginning of the array, the block will be shifted backward, so some items in this block at the end may be earlier than their ideal bucket number. This is about as complicated as wrapping, or not sorting, but avoids an awkward issue when erasing while iterating where an item might get visited multiple times due to the wrapping, or items might be missed due to the lack of order. Even still, unlike std::unordered_set, erase may invalidate other iterators and references. Also, insert may invalidate other iterators and references.

Definition at line 166 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef Clearer UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::clearer_type

Definition at line 180 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef const value_type* UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::const_pointer

Definition at line 179 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef const value_type& UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::const_reference

Definition at line 177 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef std::ptrdiff_t UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::difference_type

Definition at line 173 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef Hash UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::hasher

Definition at line 174 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef iterator_t<false> UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::iterator

Iterator type for iterating over non-constant elements.

Definition at line 643 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef KeyEqual UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::key_equal

Definition at line 175 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef Key UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::key_type

Definition at line 170 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef value_type* UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::pointer

Definition at line 178 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef value_type& UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::reference

Definition at line 176 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef ArraySet<Key,MULTI,MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256,Clearer,Hash,KeyEqual> UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::set_type

Definition at line 169 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef std::size_t UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::size_type

Definition at line 172 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
typedef Key UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::value_type

Definition at line 171 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::ArraySet ( )

Definition at line 182 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::ArraySet ( size_type  init_bucket_count)

Definition at line 188 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::ArraySet ( set_type &&  that)

Move constructor, destroying the source.

Definition at line 197 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::ArraySet ( const set_type that)

Copy constructor. Avoid accidental copying by making the constructor explicit.

Definition at line 207 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
template<typename INPUT_ITERATOR >
UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::ArraySet ( INPUT_ITERATOR  start_input,
INPUT_ITERATOR  end_input,
size_type  init_bucket_count = 0 

Inserts all of the items in the range [start_input,end_input).

Definition at line 216 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::ArraySet ( std::initializer_list< value_type init,
size_type  init_bucket_count = 0 

Constructs a set from an initializer list, with an optional bucket count, e.g.: UT::ArraySet<int> some_set({5,123,500}, 20);

Definition at line 242 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::~ArraySet ( )

Definition at line 342 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
iterator UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::begin ( void  )

Returns a non-const iterator for the beginning of the set.

Definition at line 660 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
const_iterator UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::begin ( void  ) const

Returns a const iterator for the beginning of the set.

Definition at line 670 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
size_type UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::bucket_count ( ) const

Returns the current number of buckets.

Definition at line 408 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
size_type UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::bucket_size ( size_type  i) const

This only exists because the standard requires it. This function doesn't really make sense for this implementation, but it returns 1 if the bucket is occupied, and 0 if it is not.

Definition at line 423 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
void UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::bumpNumBuckets ( size_type  new_num_items)

This increases the number of buckets, if needed, for the specified number of items

Definition at line 538 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
const_iterator UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::cbegin ( ) const

Returns a const iterator for the beginning of the set.

Definition at line 665 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
const_iterator UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::cend ( ) const

Returns a const end iterator for the set.

Definition at line 681 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
void UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::clear ( void  )

Removes all items from the set, but does not free the memory. Call destroy() to free all the memory.

Definition at line 368 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
bool UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::contains ( const Key &  key) const

Returns true iff the set contains the given key. This should be faster than count() if MULTI is true.

Definition at line 795 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
size_type UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::count ( const Key &  key) const

Returns the number of entries matching key. If MULTI is false, this will only return either 0 or 1.

Definition at line 756 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
void UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::destroy ( )

Removes all items from the set and frees all the memory.

Definition at line 385 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
template<typename... Args>
std::pair<iterator,bool> UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::emplace ( Args &&...  args)

Inserts an element constructed with the given arguments. Maybe the standard implementation can somehow get a speedup from this, but we need the item's hash before inserting, so it needs to be constructed first.

Definition at line 1027 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
bool UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::empty ( void  ) const

Returns true iff there are no items in the set.

Definition at line 348 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
iterator UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::end ( void  )

Returns a non-const end iterator for the set.

Definition at line 675 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
const_iterator UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::end ( void  ) const

Returns a const end iterator for the set.

Definition at line 687 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
std::pair<const_iterator,const_iterator> UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::equal_range ( const Key &  key) const

Returns a pair of iterators representing the range of values matching key, as [first,second).

Definition at line 826 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
std::pair<iterator,iterator> UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::equal_range ( const Key &  key)

Returns a pair of iterators representing the range of values matching key, as [first,second).

Definition at line 891 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
iterator UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::erase ( iterator  iter)

Removes the item at the specified iterator location, returning an iterator to the next item.

Unlike std::unordered_set::erase(const_iterator), this may invalidate iterators and references to other items in the map, if they are in a contiguous block of non-empty items with the item that iter points to. Also, this only accepts an iterator, instead of a const_iterator. (Why would std::unordered_set::erase accept a const_iterator?)

Definition at line 1041 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
size_type UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::erase ( const Key &  key)

Removes all items matching key and returns the number of items removed.

Definition at line 1250 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
iterator UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::find ( const Key &  key)

Returns an iterator to the first item matching key, or an end iterator if no items match key.

Definition at line 696 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
const_iterator UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::find ( const Key &  key) const

Returns an iterator to the first item matching key, or an end iterator if no items match key.

Definition at line 724 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
template<typename FUNCTOR >
SYS_FORCE_INLINE void UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::forEach ( FUNCTOR &&  functor) const

Definition at line 1301 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
int64 UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::getMemoryUsage ( bool  inclusive) const

Returns the amount of memory used by this, excluding any memory that might be allocated by any of the items, themselves.

Definition at line 1292 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
static hasher UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::hash_function ( )

NOTE: std::unordered_set::hash_function() isn't static, but here, we're not storing a hasher as a data member, so it's independent of the instance.

Definition at line 1277 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
std::pair<iterator, bool> UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::insert ( const value_type value)

Inserts the given value into the set, unless MULTI is false and there's already an item for which key_equal()(value,other) returns true. Returns a pair of iterator to the inserted value (or the existing item if not inserted), and a bool that's true iff the item was inserted.

Definition at line 964 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
std::pair<iterator, bool> UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::insert ( value_type &&  value)

Inserts the given value into the set, unless MULTI is false and there's already an item for which key_equal()(value,other) returns true. Returns a pair of iterator to the inserted value (or the existing item if not inserted), and a bool that's true iff the item was inserted.

Definition at line 975 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
template<typename INPUT_ITERATOR >
void UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::insert ( INPUT_ITERATOR  start_input,
INPUT_ITERATOR  end_input 

Inserts all of the items in the range [start_input,end_input).

Definition at line 990 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
void UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::insert ( std::initializer_list< value_type list)

Inserts all of the items from the initializer_list.

Definition at line 1016 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
template<bool fail_on_equal = !MULTI, bool check_realloc = true>
bool UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::insertHelper ( pointer  pstart,
size_type  nbuckets,
const value_type value,
pointer destp 

Definition at line 1339 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
static key_equal UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::key_eq ( )

NOTE: std::unordered_set::key_eq() isn't static, but here, we're not storing a key_equal as a data member, so it's independent of the instance.

Definition at line 1285 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
float UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::load_factor ( ) const

Returns the current portion of buckets that are occupied.

Definition at line 444 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
static size_type UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::max_bucket_count ( )

This only exists because the standard requires it. The only hard limit is what memory will allow.

Definition at line 415 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
static float UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::max_load_factor ( )

Returns the portion of buckets that need to be occupied before reallocation occurs. Unlike in the standard, the maximum load factor is a constant in this implementation, so max_load_factor() is a static function.

Definition at line 438 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
static size_type UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::max_size ( void  )

This only exists because the standard requires it. The only hard limit is what memory will allow.

Definition at line 361 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
static size_type UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::minBuckets ( size_type  size)

Definition at line 1313 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
bool UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::operator!= ( const set_type that) const

Definition at line 326 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
set_type& UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::operator= ( const set_type that)

Definition at line 259 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
set_type& UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::operator= ( std::initializer_list< value_type init)

Definition at line 286 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
set_type& UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::operator= ( set_type &&  that)

Definition at line 293 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
bool UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::operator== ( const set_type that) const

Definition at line 303 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
void UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::rehash ( size_type  new_num_buckets)

Sets the number of buckets to larger of new_num_buckets and the required minimum number of buckets for size() items, unless that number is the same as the current number of buckets.

Definition at line 452 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
void UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::reserve ( size_type  num_items)

Sets the number of buckets to the required minimum number of buckets for the larger of num_items and size().

Definition at line 466 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
pointer UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::searchStart ( const Key &  key)

Definition at line 1327 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
const_pointer UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::searchStart ( const Key &  key) const

Definition at line 1332 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
void UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::setNumBuckets ( size_type  new_num_buckets)

Sets the number of buckets to new_num_buckets, regardless of the required minimum number of buckets for size() items, though you probably shouldn't be calling it with num_new_buckets < size(), except that if num_new_buclets==0, this calls destroy().

Definition at line 476 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
size_type UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::size ( void  ) const

Returns the number of items in the set.

Definition at line 354 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
void UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::swap ( set_type that)

Swaps another set with this one.

Definition at line 332 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
pointer UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::myBuckets

Definition at line 1589 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

template<typename Key, bool MULTI = false, std::size_t MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256 = 128, typename Clearer = DefaultClearer<Key>, class Hash = hboost::hash<Key>, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
size_type UT::ArraySet< Key, MULTI, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR_256, Clearer, Hash, KeyEqual >::myNumBuckets

Definition at line 1590 of file UT_ArraySet.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: