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27 /// \file usdUtils/dependencies.h
28 ///
29 /// Utilities for the following tasks that require consideration of a USD
30 /// asset's external dependencies:
31 /// * extracting asset dependencies from a USD file.
32 /// * creating a USDZ package containing a given asset and all of its external
33 /// dependencies.
34 /// * some time in the future, localize a given asset and all of its
35 /// dependencies into a specified directory.
36 ///
38 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
39 #include "pxr/usd/sdf/layer.h"
40 #include "pxr/usd/usdUtils/api.h"
42 #include <string>
43 #include <vector>
47 class SdfAssetPath;
49 /// Parses the file at \p filePath, identifying external references, and
50 /// sorting them into separate type-based buckets. Sublayers are returned in
51 /// the \p sublayers vector, references, whether prim references, value clip
52 /// references or values from asset path attributes, are returned in the
53 /// \p references vector. Payload paths are returned in \p payloads.
54 ///
55 /// \note No recursive chasing of dependencies is performed; that is the
56 /// client's responsibility, if desired.
57 ///
58 /// \note Not all returned references are actually authored explicitly in the
59 /// layer. For example, templated clip asset paths are resolved and expanded
60 /// to include all available clip files that match the specified pattern.
63  const std::string& filePath,
64  std::vector<std::string>* subLayers,
65  std::vector<std::string>* references,
66  std::vector<std::string>* payloads);
68 /// Creates a USDZ package containing the specified asset, identified by its
69 /// \p assetPath. The created package will include a localized version of the
70 /// asset itself and all of its external dependencies. Any anonymous layers that
71 /// are encountered during dependency discovery will be serialized into the
72 /// resulting package. Due to localization, the packaged layers might be
73 /// modified to have different asset paths.
74 ///
75 /// You can optionally specify a different package-internal name for the first
76 /// layer of the asset by specifying \p firstLayerName. By default,
77 /// \p firstLayerName is empty, meaning that the original name is preserved.
78 ///
79 /// Returns true if the package was created successfully.
80 ///
81 /// \note Clients of this function must take care of configuring the asset
82 /// resolver context before invoking the function. To create a default
83 /// resolver context, use \ref CreateDefaultContextForAsset() with the
84 /// asset path.
85 ///
86 /// \note If the given asset has a dependency on a directory (i.e. an external
87 /// reference to a directory path), the dependency is ignored and the contents
88 /// of the directory are not included in the created package.
89 ///
90 /// \note This function modifies the layers referenced by \p assetPath
91 /// (including the root layer and all transitive layer dependencies) in-place.
92 /// However, it does not save the layers before copying them into the package
93 /// that is created. It also does not revert the changes it makes to the
94 /// layers. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you run this function in
95 /// isolation after any source UsdStages have been closed. If you have UsdStages
96 /// open during the function call that reference the layers being modified, you
97 /// may receive warnings or composition errors which may not affect the
98 /// resulting package adversely.
99 ///
100 /// \sa UsdUtilsCreateNewARKitUsdzPackage()
102 bool
104  const SdfAssetPath& assetPath,
105  const std::string& usdzFilePath,
106  const std::string& firstLayerName=std::string());
108 /// Similar to UsdUtilsCreateNewUsdzPackage, this function packages all of the
109 /// dependencies of the given asset. Assets targeted at the initial usdz
110 /// implementation in ARKit operate under greater constraints than usdz files
111 /// for more general 'in house' uses, and this option attempts to ensure that
112 /// these constraints are honored; this may involve more transformations to the
113 /// data, which may cause loss of features such as VariantSets. Any anonymous
114 /// layers that are encountered during dependency discovery will be serialized
115 /// into the resulting package.
116 ///
117 /// If \p firstLayerName is specified, it is modified to have the ".usdc"
118 /// extension, as required by the initial usdz implementation in ARKit.
119 ///
120 /// Returns true if the package was created successfully.
121 ///
122 /// \note Clients of this function must take care of configuring the asset
123 /// resolver context before invoking the function. To create a default
124 /// resolver context, use \ref CreateDefaultContextForAsset() with the
125 /// asset path.
126 ///
127 /// \note If the given asset has a dependency on a directory (i.e. an external
128 /// reference to a directory path), the dependency is ignored and the contents
129 /// of the directory are not included in the created package.
130 ///
131 /// \note This function modifies the layers referenced by \p assetPath
132 /// (including the root layer and all transitive layer dependencies) in-place.
133 /// However, it does not save the layers before copying them into the package
134 /// that is created. It also does not revert the changes it makes to the
135 /// layers. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you run this function in
136 /// isolation after any source UsdStages have been closed. If you have UsdStages
137 /// open during the function call that reference the layers being modified, you
138 /// may receive warnings or composition errors which may not affect the
139 /// resulting package adversely.
140 ///
141 /// \sa UsdUtilsCreateNewUsdzPackage()
143 bool
145  const SdfAssetPath &assetPath,
146  const std::string &usdzFilePath,
147  const std::string &firstLayerName=std::string());
149 /// Recursively computes all the dependencies of the given asset and populates
150 /// \p layers with all the dependencies that can be opened as an SdfLayer.
151 /// All of the resolved non-layer dependencies are populated in \p assets.
152 /// Any unresolved (layer and non-layer) asset paths are populated in
153 /// \p unresolvedPaths.
154 ///
155 /// The input vectors to be populated with the results are *cleared* before
156 /// any results are added to them.
157 ///
158 /// Returns true if the given asset was resolved correctly.
160 bool
162  std::vector<SdfLayerRefPtr> *layers,
163  std::vector<std::string> *assets,
164  std::vector<std::string> *unresolvedPaths);
166 /// Callback that is used to modify asset paths in a layer. The \c assetPath
167 /// will contain the string value that's authored. The returned value is the
168 /// new value that should be authored in the layer. If the function returns
169 /// an empty string, that value will be removed from the layer.
170 using UsdUtilsModifyAssetPathFn = std::function<std::string(
171  const std::string& assetPath)>;
173 /// Helper function that visits every asset path in \c layer, calls \c modifyFn
174 /// and replaces the value with the return value of \c modifyFn. This modifies
175 /// \c layer in place.
176 ///
177 /// This can be useful in preparing a layer for consumption in contexts that do
178 /// not have access to the ArResolver for which the layer's asset paths were
179 /// authored: we can replace all paths with their fully resolved equivalents,
180 /// for example.
183  const SdfLayerHandle& layer,
184  const UsdUtilsModifyAssetPathFn& modifyFn);
Attempt to access an object that no longer exists in Houdini Invalid output Invalid type The attempted operation failed Node initialization script failed Failed to modify node or parameter because of a permission error Possible causes include locked assets
Definition: HOM_Errors.h:191
GLsizei const GLchar *const * string
Definition: glcorearb.h:814
USDUTILS_API void UsdUtilsModifyAssetPaths(const SdfLayerHandle &layer, const UsdUtilsModifyAssetPathFn &modifyFn)
GLenum GLuint GLint GLint layer
Definition: glcorearb.h:1299
std::function< std::string(const std::string &assetPath)> UsdUtilsModifyAssetPathFn
Definition: dependencies.h:171
USDUTILS_API bool UsdUtilsCreateNewARKitUsdzPackage(const SdfAssetPath &assetPath, const std::string &usdzFilePath, const std::string &firstLayerName=std::string())
USDUTILS_API void UsdUtilsExtractExternalReferences(const std::string &filePath, std::vector< std::string > *subLayers, std::vector< std::string > *references, std::vector< std::string > *payloads)
USDUTILS_API bool UsdUtilsComputeAllDependencies(const SdfAssetPath &assetPath, std::vector< SdfLayerRefPtr > *layers, std::vector< std::string > *assets, std::vector< std::string > *unresolvedPaths)
Definition: path.h:1441
USDUTILS_API bool UsdUtilsCreateNewUsdzPackage(const SdfAssetPath &assetPath, const std::string &usdzFilePath, const std::string &firstLayerName=std::string())
Definition: pxr.h:91
Definition: api.h:40