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1 //
2 // Copyright 2019 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
27 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
28 #include "pxr/base/gf/vec4i.h"
29 #include "pxr/imaging/hgi/api.h"
33 #include "pxr/imaging/hgi/cmds.h"
34 #include <memory>
38 using HgiGraphicsCmdsUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<class HgiGraphicsCmds>;
41 /// \class HgiGraphicsCmds
42 ///
43 /// A graphics API independent abstraction of graphics commands.
44 /// HgiGraphicsCmds is a lightweight object that cannot be re-used after it has
45 /// been submitted. A new cmds object should be acquired for each frame.
46 ///
47 class HgiGraphicsCmds : public HgiCmds
48 {
49 public:
51  ~HgiGraphicsCmds() override;
53  /// Push a debug marker.
55  virtual void PushDebugGroup(const char* label) = 0;
57  /// Pop the last debug marker.
59  virtual void PopDebugGroup() = 0;
61  /// Set viewport [left, BOTTOM, width, height] - OpenGL coords
63  virtual void SetViewport(GfVec4i const& vp) = 0;
65  /// Only pixels that lie within the scissor box are modified by
66  /// drawing commands.
68  virtual void SetScissor(GfVec4i const& sc) = 0;
70  /// Bind a pipeline state object. Usually you call this right after calling
71  /// CreateGraphicsCmds to set the graphics pipeline state.
72  /// The resource bindings used when creating the pipeline must be compatible
73  /// with the resources bound via BindResources().
75  virtual void BindPipeline(HgiGraphicsPipelineHandle pipeline) = 0;
77  /// Bind resources such as textures and uniform buffers.
78  /// Usually you call this right after BindPipeline() and the resources bound
79  /// must be compatible with the bound pipeline.
81  virtual void BindResources(HgiResourceBindingsHandle resources) = 0;
83  /// Set Push / Function constants.
84  /// `pipeline` is the pipeline that you are binding before the draw call. It
85  /// contains the program used for the uniform buffer
86  /// `stages` describes for what shader stage you are setting the push
87  /// constant values for. Each stage can have its own (or none) binding
88  /// and they must match what is described in the shader functions.
89  /// `bindIndex` is the binding point index in the pipeline's shader
90  /// to bind the data to.
91  /// `byteSize` is the size of the data you are updating.
92  /// `data` is the data you are copying into the push constants block.
94  virtual void SetConstantValues(
97  uint32_t bindIndex,
98  uint32_t byteSize,
99  const void* data) = 0;
101  /// Binds the vertex buffer(s) that describe the vertex attributes.
102  HGI_API
103  virtual void BindVertexBuffers(
104  HgiVertexBufferBindingVector const &bindings) = 0;
106  /// Records a draw command that renders one or more instances of primitives
107  /// using the number of vertices provided.
108  /// The 'primitive type' (eg. Lines, Triangles, etc) can be acquired from
109  /// the bound HgiPipeline.
110  /// `vertexCount`: The number of vertices to draw.
111  /// `baseVertex`: The index of the first vertex to draw.
112  /// `instanceCount`: Number of instances to draw.
113  /// `baseInstance`: The first instance to draw.
114  HGI_API
115  virtual void Draw(
116  uint32_t vertexCount,
117  uint32_t baseVertex,
118  uint32_t instanceCount,
119  uint32_t baseInstance) = 0;
121  /// Records a multi-draw command that reads the draw parameters
122  /// from a provided drawParameterBuffer.
123  /// The 'primitive type' (eg. Lines, Triangles, etc) can be acquired from
124  /// the bound HgiPipeline.
125  /// `drawParameterBuffer`: an array of structures:
126  // struct IndirectCommand {
127  // uint32_t vertexCount;
128  // uint32_t instanceCount;
129  // uint32_t baseVertex;
130  // uint32_t baseInstance;
131  // }
132  /// `drawBufferByteOffset`: Byte offset where the draw parameters begin.
133  /// `drawCount`: The number of draws to execute.
134  /// `stride`: byte stride between successive sets of draw parameters.
135  HGI_API
136  virtual void DrawIndirect(
137  HgiBufferHandle const& drawParameterBuffer,
138  uint32_t drawBufferByteOffset,
139  uint32_t drawCount,
140  uint32_t stride) = 0;
142  /// Records a draw command that renders one or more instances of primitives
143  /// using an indexBuffer starting from the base vertex.
144  /// The 'primitive type' (eg. Lines, Triangles, etc) can be acquired from
145  /// the bound HgiPipeline.
146  /// `indexCount`: The number of indices in the index buffer (num vertices).
147  /// `indexBufferByteOffset`: Byte offset within index buffer to start
148  /// reading the indices from.
149  /// `baseVertex`: The value added to the vertex index before indexing
150  /// into the vertex buffer (baseVertex).
151  /// `instanceCount`: Number of instances to draw.
152  /// `baseInstance`: The first instance to draw.
153  HGI_API
154  virtual void DrawIndexed(
155  HgiBufferHandle const& indexBuffer,
156  uint32_t indexCount,
157  uint32_t indexBufferByteOffset,
158  uint32_t baseVertex,
159  uint32_t instanceCount,
160  uint32_t baseInstance) = 0;
162  /// Records a indexed multi-draw command that reads the draw parameters
163  /// from a provided drawParameterBuffer, and indices from indexBuffer.
164  /// The 'primitive type' (eg. Lines, Triangles, etc) can be acquired from
165  /// the bound HgiPipeline.
166  /// `drawParameterBuffer`: an array of structures (Metal has a different
167  /// encoding of indirect commands for tessellated patches):
168  // struct IndirectCommand {
169  // uint32_t indexCount;
170  // uint32_t instanceCount;
171  // uint32_t baseIndex;
172  // uint32_t baseVertex;
173  // uint32_t baseInstance;
174  // }
175  // struct MetalPatchIndirectCommand {
176  // uint32_t patchCount;
177  // uint32_t instanceCount;
178  // uint32_t patchStart;
179  // uint32_t baseInstance;
180  // }
181  /// `drawBufferByteOffset`: Byte offset where the draw parameters begin.
182  /// `drawCount`: The number of draws to execute.
183  /// `stride`: byte stride between successive sets of draw parameters.
184  /// `drawParameterBufferUInt32`: CPU addressable `drawParameterBuffer`
185  /// which contains the `baseVertex` offset needed for each patch draw
186  /// for Metal.
187  /// `patchBaseVertexByteOffset`: Byte offset to the uint32_t value
188  /// in `drawParameterBufferUint32` which is the `baseVertex` value
189  /// which must be applied to each HgiVertexBufferPerPatchControlPoint
190  /// vertex buffer for each patch draw for Metal.
191  HGI_API
192  virtual void DrawIndexedIndirect(
193  HgiBufferHandle const& indexBuffer,
194  HgiBufferHandle const& drawParameterBuffer,
195  uint32_t drawBufferByteOffset,
196  uint32_t drawCount,
197  uint32_t stride,
198  std::vector<uint32_t> const& drawParameterBufferUInt32,
199  uint32_t patchBaseVertexByteOffset) = 0;
201  /// Inserts a barrier so that data written to memory by commands before
202  /// the barrier is available to commands after the barrier.
203  HGI_API
204  virtual void InsertMemoryBarrier(HgiMemoryBarrier barrier) = 0;
206 protected:
207  HGI_API
208  HgiGraphicsCmds();
210 private:
211  HgiGraphicsCmds & operator=(const HgiGraphicsCmds&) = delete;
212  HgiGraphicsCmds(const HgiGraphicsCmds&) = delete;
213 };
219 #endif
Definition: vec4i.h:60
virtual HGI_API void DrawIndirect(HgiBufferHandle const &drawParameterBuffer, uint32_t drawBufferByteOffset, uint32_t drawCount, uint32_t stride)=0
GLuint GLsizei const GLchar * label
Definition: glcorearb.h:2545
virtual HGI_API void DrawIndexed(HgiBufferHandle const &indexBuffer, uint32_t indexCount, uint32_t indexBufferByteOffset, uint32_t baseVertex, uint32_t instanceCount, uint32_t baseInstance)=0
GLbitfield stages
Definition: glcorearb.h:1931
virtual HGI_API void SetScissor(GfVec4i const &sc)=0
virtual HGI_API void BindResources(HgiResourceBindingsHandle resources)=0
virtual HGI_API void Draw(uint32_t vertexCount, uint32_t baseVertex, uint32_t instanceCount, uint32_t baseInstance)=0
virtual HGI_API void PopDebugGroup()=0
Pop the last debug marker.
std::vector< HgiVertexBufferBinding > HgiVertexBufferBindingVector
virtual HGI_API void PushDebugGroup(const char *label)=0
Push a debug marker.
HgiBits HgiMemoryBarrier
Definition: enums.h:686
GLint GLenum GLboolean GLsizei stride
Definition: glcorearb.h:872
virtual HGI_API void InsertMemoryBarrier(HgiMemoryBarrier barrier)=0
std::unique_ptr< class HgiGraphicsCmds > HgiGraphicsCmdsUniquePtr
Definition: effectsShader.h:45
HGI_API HgiGraphicsCmds()
#define HGI_API
Definition: api.h:40
virtual HGI_API void BindVertexBuffers(HgiVertexBufferBindingVector const &bindings)=0
Binds the vertex buffer(s) that describe the vertex attributes.
Definition: path.h:1432
Definition: pxr.h:91
HgiBits HgiShaderStage
Definition: enums.h:371
virtual HGI_API void SetConstantValues(HgiGraphicsPipelineHandle pipeline, HgiShaderStage stages, uint32_t bindIndex, uint32_t byteSize, const void *data)=0
virtual HGI_API void BindPipeline(HgiGraphicsPipelineHandle pipeline)=0
Definition: cmds.h:44
HGI_API ~HgiGraphicsCmds() override
virtual HGI_API void DrawIndexedIndirect(HgiBufferHandle const &indexBuffer, HgiBufferHandle const &drawParameterBuffer, uint32_t drawBufferByteOffset, uint32_t drawCount, uint32_t stride, std::vector< uint32_t > const &drawParameterBufferUInt32, uint32_t patchBaseVertexByteOffset)=0
Definition: format.h:895
virtual HGI_API void SetViewport(GfVec4i const &vp)=0
Set viewport [left, BOTTOM, width, height] - OpenGL coords.