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1 //
2 // Copyright 2016 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
27 /// \file usdHydra/tokens.h
30 //
31 // This is an automatically generated file (by usdGenSchema.py).
32 // Do not hand-edit!
33 //
36 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
37 #include "pxr/usd/usdHydra/api.h"
38 #include "pxr/base/tf/staticData.h"
39 #include "pxr/base/tf/token.h"
40 #include <vector>
45 /// \class UsdHydraTokensType
46 ///
47 /// \link UsdHydraTokens \endlink provides static, efficient
48 /// \link TfToken TfTokens\endlink for use in all public USD API.
49 ///
50 /// These tokens are auto-generated from the module's schema, representing
51 /// property names, for when you need to fetch an attribute or relationship
52 /// directly by name, e.g. UsdPrim::GetAttribute(), in the most efficient
53 /// manner, and allow the compiler to verify that you spelled the name
54 /// correctly.
55 ///
56 /// UsdHydraTokens also contains all of the \em allowedTokens values
57 /// declared for schema builtin attributes of 'token' scene description type.
58 /// Use UsdHydraTokens like so:
59 ///
60 /// \code
61 /// gprim.GetMyTokenValuedAttr().Set(UsdHydraTokens->black);
62 /// \endcode
65  /// \brief "black"
66  ///
67  /// Possible value for "wrapT" and "wrapS" inputs on a "UvTexture" shader prim. Causes black to be returned when sampling outside the bounds of the texture.
68  const TfToken black;
69  /// \brief "clamp"
70  ///
71  /// Possible value for "wrapT" and "wrapS" inputs on a "UvTexture" shader prim. Causes the the texture coordinate to be clamped to [0,1].
72  const TfToken clamp;
73  /// \brief "displayLook:bxdf"
74  ///
75  /// deprecated This has been deprecated in favor of the glslfx:surface output. Relationship on a material that targets the "bxdf" or the surface shader prim.
77  /// \brief "faceIndex"
78  ///
79  /// The "faceIndex" shader input on a hydra "PtexTexture" shader.
81  /// \brief "faceOffset"
82  ///
83  /// The "faceOffset" shader input on a hydra "PtexTexture" shader.
85  /// \brief "frame"
86  ///
87  /// A shader input on a "Texture" shader.
88  const TfToken frame;
89  /// \brief "HwPrimvar_1"
90  ///
91  /// The id value of a Primvar shader.
93  /// \brief "HwPtexTexture_1"
94  ///
95  /// The id value of a PtexTexture shader.
97  /// \brief "HwUvTexture_1"
98  ///
99  /// The id value of a UvTexture shader.
101  /// \brief "hydraGenerativeProcedural"
102  ///
103  /// Fallback value for UsdHydraGenerativeProceduralAPI::GetProceduralSystemAttr()
105  /// \brief "inputs:file"
106  ///
107  /// The special "info:filename" property of a hydra Texture shader, which points to a resolvable texture asset.
109  /// \brief "inputs:varname"
110  ///
111  ///
113  /// \brief "linear"
114  ///
115  /// A weighted linear blend of nearest adjacent samples. Possible value for "minFilter" and "magFilter" inputs on a UvTextureshader.
117  /// \brief "linearMipmapLinear"
118  ///
119  /// See https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Sampler_Object , Possible value for the "minFilter" input on a UvTexture shader.
121  /// \brief "linearMipmapNearest"
122  ///
123  /// See https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Sampler_Object Possible value for the "minFilter" input on a UvTexture shader.
125  /// \brief "magFilter"
126  ///
127  /// An input on a UvTexture shader.
129  /// \brief "minFilter"
130  ///
131  /// An input on a UvTexture shader.
133  /// \brief "mirror"
134  ///
135  /// Possible value for "wrapT" and "wrapS" inputs on a "UvTexture" shader prim. Causes the texture coordinate to wrap around like a mirror. -0.2 becomes 0.2, -1.2 becomes 0.8, etc. ,
137  /// \brief "nearest"
138  ///
139  /// Selects the nearest sample for the given coordinate Possible value for "minFilter" and "magFilter" inputs on a UvTexture shader.
141  /// \brief "nearestMipmapLinear"
142  ///
143  /// See https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Sampler_Object Possible value for "minFilter" and "magFilter" inputs on a UvTexture shader.
145  /// \brief "nearestMipmapNearest"
146  ///
147  /// See https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Sampler_Object Possible value for the "minFilter" input on a UvTexture shader.
149  /// \brief "primvars:hdGp:proceduralType"
150  ///
151  /// UsdHydraGenerativeProceduralAPI
153  /// \brief "proceduralSystem"
154  ///
155  /// UsdHydraGenerativeProceduralAPI
157  /// \brief "repeat"
158  ///
159  /// Possible value for "wrapT" and "wrapS" inputs on a "UvTexture" shader prim. Causes the texture coordinate to wrap around the texture. So a texture coordinate of -0.2 becomes the equivalent of 0.8.
161  /// \brief "textureMemory"
162  ///
163  /// A shader input on a hydra Texture shader.
165  /// \brief "useMetadata"
166  ///
167  /// Possible value for "wrapT" and "wrapS" inputs on a "UvTexture" shader prim. Causes the wrap value to be loaded from the texture file instead of being specified in the prim. If the texture file doesn't support metadata or the metadata doesn't contain a wrap mode, the "black" wrap mode is used.
169  /// \brief "uv"
170  ///
171  /// A shader input on a hydra UvTexture shader.
172  const TfToken uv;
173  /// \brief "wrapS"
174  ///
175  /// A shader input on a hydra UvTexture shader which defines the behavior of texture coordinates that are outside the bounds of the texture.
176  const TfToken wrapS;
177  /// \brief "wrapT"
178  ///
179  /// A shader input on a hydra UvTexture shader which defines the behavior of texture coordinates that are outside the bounds of the texture.
180  const TfToken wrapT;
181  /// \brief "HydraGenerativeProceduralAPI"
182  ///
183  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdHydraGenerativeProceduralAPI
185  /// A vector of all of the tokens listed above.
186  const std::vector<TfToken> allTokens;
187 };
189 /// \var UsdHydraTokens
190 ///
191 /// A global variable with static, efficient \link TfToken TfTokens\endlink
192 /// for use in all public USD API. \sa UsdHydraTokensType
197 #endif
const TfToken faceIndex
Definition: tokens.h:80
const TfToken repeat
Definition: tokens.h:160
const TfToken HwPrimvar_1
Definition: tokens.h:92
const TfToken frame
Definition: tokens.h:88
const TfToken infoFilename
Definition: tokens.h:108
Definition: api.h:40
const std::vector< TfToken > allTokens
A vector of all of the tokens listed above.
Definition: tokens.h:186
const TfToken mirror
Definition: tokens.h:136
const TfToken proceduralSystem
Definition: tokens.h:156
Definition: token.h:87
const TfToken wrapS
Definition: tokens.h:176
const TfToken linearMipmapNearest
Definition: tokens.h:124
const TfToken hydraGenerativeProcedural
Definition: tokens.h:104
USDHYDRA_API UsdHydraTokensType()
const TfToken textureMemory
Definition: tokens.h:164
const TfToken black
Definition: tokens.h:68
const TfToken uv
Definition: tokens.h:172
USDHYDRA_API TfStaticData< UsdHydraTokensType > UsdHydraTokens
const TfToken nearestMipmapLinear
Definition: tokens.h:144
const TfToken displayLookBxdf
Definition: tokens.h:76
const TfToken linear
Definition: tokens.h:116
const TfToken wrapT
Definition: tokens.h:180
Definition: path.h:1441
const TfToken HydraGenerativeProceduralAPI
Definition: tokens.h:184
const TfToken nearestMipmapNearest
Definition: tokens.h:148
const TfToken clamp
Definition: tokens.h:72
const TfToken primvarsHdGpProceduralType
Definition: tokens.h:152
Definition: pxr.h:91
const TfToken magFilter
Definition: tokens.h:128
const TfToken HwPtexTexture_1
Definition: tokens.h:96
const TfToken faceOffset
Definition: tokens.h:84
const TfToken nearest
Definition: tokens.h:140
const TfToken HwUvTexture_1
Definition: tokens.h:100
const TfToken linearMipmapLinear
Definition: tokens.h:120
const TfToken useMetadata
Definition: tokens.h:168
const TfToken minFilter
Definition: tokens.h:132
const TfToken infoVarname
Definition: tokens.h:112