Houdini 20.0 Python scripting

Python state nodeless states

How to implement a state that does not work on a specific node, like a viewer or inspector tool.

On this page


(See Python states for the basics of how to implement a custom viewer state.)

While some states may be intrinsically tied to an asset and work by manipulating parameters on the asset, you can write very useful states that are nodeless. These states can use the Python scripting API to inspect existing nodes/geometry, or manipulate other settings in Houdini.

For example:

  • A state the displays the values of all primitive attributes on the polygon under the pointer.

  • A state that lets you drag left or right to scrub along the timeline.

  • A state that lets the user manipulate the view in a custom way.

How to

  1. Install and implement your state.

    For a state that’s not tied to a specific node type, it makes sense to install the state code in a module in $HOUDINI_USER_PREF_DIR/viewer_states/ that will be automatically registered at startup.

    It’s also fine to define your nodeless state with an asset, see Embedding a state in an asset.

  2. Write a shelf tool script to launch the state.


    The script below setups a SOP-level inspector state. While this kind of inspector tool would typically be created at the Object level, it is still very useful to create SOP-level inspection tools.

    In your shelf tool script, you can check whether the viewer is already at the SOP level, and if not, prompt the user to select a Geometry object to work inside.

    import stateutils
    # We want to launch a SOP state, so we need to make sure the
    # viewer is at the SOP level first
    viewer = stateutils.findSceneViewer()
    network = viewer.pwd()
    if network.childTypeCategory() != hou.sopNodeTypeCategory():
        # We're not already inside an object, so ask the user for an object
        # to dive into
        objects = viewer.selectObjects(
            prompt='Select object',
        if objects:
            # selectObjects returns a list, just take the first item
            network = objects[0]
            # Dive into the object
            # The user pressed Enter without selecting an object
            raise hou.Error("You must select an object to use this tool")
    # Set the viewer's current state to my state

    If your nodeless tool happens to be embedded with an asset, you can create this shelf tool in the asset’s Tools tab, so it becomes available to users when the asset is intalled.

  3. Activating the state using setCurrentState() will call the state’s onGenerate method. You can use this method to display a prompt and set up the viewer if needed.

    class MyState(object):
        def __init__(self, scene_viewer, state_name):
            self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer
            self.state_name = state_name
        def onGenerate(self, kwargs):
            # Show a prompt to the user
            self.scene_viewer.setPromptMessage("Hover over primitives to show info")
            # Make the group selection box visible

Viewport methods

When Houdini instantiates your state class, it passes the initializer a hou.SceneViewer reference. You can get a reference to the current viewport using hou.SceneViewer.curViewport.

(A viewport is a specific view onto the geometry. The default viewer has a single viewport showing the Perspective view, however the user can set up different viewport arrangements, such as a “quad-view” showing Top, Front, Right, and Perspective viewports.)

The hou.GeometryViewport object has useful methods for inspecting what’s under the mouse pointer, as well as changing the view.

Example: Scrub tool

This OBJ-level state lets you drag in the viewer to move forward/back along the timeline. You can use the context menu to choose between relative dragging and absolute positioning.

import hou

class ScrubState(object):
    def __init__(self, scene_viewer, state_name):
        self.state_name = state_name
        self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer
        self._base_x = self._base_frame = None

    def onGenerate(self, kwargs):
            "Drag left/right to scrub along timeline"

    def onExit(self, kwargs):

    def _scrub_abs(self, x):
        # Take the absolute position of the mouse pointer (as a percentage
        # of the total viewer width) and move that far along the current
        # frame range

        width, _ = self.scene_viewer.contentSize()
        pct = x / float(width)
        start_frame, end_frame = hou.playbar.frameRange()
        frame = int((end_frame - start_frame) * pct + start_frame)

    def _scrub_rel(self, x):
        # Use the difference between the mouse pointer's current position
        # and the previous position to calculate how many frames to move
        # forward/back

        if self._base_x is not None:
            delta = int((x - self._base_x) / 10.0)
            frame = max(0, self._base_frame + delta)
            self._base_x = x
            self._base_frame = hou.intFrame()

    def onMouseEvent(self, kwargs):
        device = kwargs["ui_event"].device()
        if device.isLeftButton():
            x = device.mouseX()
            if kwargs["mode"] == "abs":
            elif kwargs["mode"] == "rel":
            self._base_x = None

template = hou.ViewerStateTemplate("scrub", "Scrub", hou.objNodeTypeCategory())

menu = hou.ViewerStateMenu("scrub", "Scrub")
menu.addRadioStrip("mode", "Mode", "rel")
menu.addRadioStripItem("mode", "rel", "Relative")
menu.addRadioStripItem("mode", "abs", "Absolute")

To quickly try this tool, paste the code for the tool into the Houdini Source Editor window. Then in the Python Shell do the following:

>>> hou.ui.registerViewerState(hou.session.template)
>>> scene_viewer = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer)
>>> scene_viewer.setCurrentState("scrub")

Python scripting

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  • hou

    Module containing all the sub-modules, classes, and functions to access Houdini.

Guru level

Python viewer states

Python viewer handles

Plugin types