Houdini 20.5 hwebserver

hwebserver.registerASGIApp function

Function used to register a asgi capable application such as django to be used on a path prefix.

registerASGIApp(application=(), path=None, ports=[])

This function allows you to hook in a asgi capable application such as flask or django and use the Houdini web server as the server backend.

import os
import hwebserver
import testsite.asgi

hwebserver.registerWSGIApp(testsite.asgi.application, "/")
hwebserver.run(8000, debug=True)


Currently HTTP is only supported and this feature is currently in Alpha.



Starting and Stopping

Handling Web Requests and Returning Responses


  • WebSocket

    Base class for WebSocket support with the embedded server.

  • hwebserver.webSocket

    Decorator for registering WebSocket classes with Houdini’s web server.

API Calls

  • hwebserver.apiFunction

    Decorator for functions that can be called through an API endpoint on Houdini’s web server, returning JSON or binary responses.

  • hwebserver.APIError

    Raise this exception in apiFunction handlers to indicate an error.