Houdini 20.0 Shelf tools

Embed in Fluid shelf tool

Allows an object to react and move with a fluid.

On this page


This is often used with an object that has been converted to points. You can either store data on the points or instance geometry. Embed in Fluid is usually used for tracking fluid flow passively, by using marker particles.

This tool only works with volume based fluid.

Using Embed in Fluid

  1. Create a geometry object and source within a container.

    For more information on containers see: Smoke Container or Flamefront Container.

  2. Click the Embed in Fluid tool on the Volume Fluids tab.

  3. Select the object to embed in fluid and press Enter to confirm your selection.

This example shows a grid that has been converted to points embedded in the fluid to track the flow.


Increase the Feedback Scale parameter on the Internal Forces tab of the Fluid Solver when using fluid to push a rigid body object.

See also

Shelf tools

Using the shelf

  • Customize the shelf

    How to change the look of the shelf, change and rearrange its contents, and create your own shelf tools.
